THE LAST DAYS OF THE REPUBLIC? How Far Will the Demagogue Go? THE MOST VINDICTIVE Man on the Planet becomes the Most Powerful
6 REASONS TRUMP LOST THE ELECTION! + 6 Crimes He Committed - Was Donald a Longtime Russian Asset?
CLINTON +2,865,000 Votes +2.1% MIKE GRILLS JOHN GLENN@11m @mkham11
52% Lunatic Rs Think TRUMP WON POP VOTE
Buzzfeed Report Explodes + 35 pg British Spy Claim doc backs Mike's Story
Trump compromised by Kremlin Blackmail and they were feeding him Clinton + "enemy" info for 5 years! Have video of Trump hiring prostitutes to pee on bed Obama slept in in Moscow Ritz Carlton.
Incredible this stuff ONLY comes out now- Obama should have insisted it ALL was ready by Oct and released it. He was afraid "of influencing the election", but it was OK Putin did??? And Comey, and CrossCheck, and 40 disenfranchisement laws? My ARTICLE below- if you didn't see it., actually from Dec 14 - I waited weeks for chicken editors. I relied on the same agent's report from David Corns Oct 30 article that just disappeared.
This is the blockbuster Buzzfeed story: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kenbensinger/these-reports-allege-trump-has-deep-ties-to-russia
and the actual 35 pg document: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3259984-Trump-Intelligence-Allegations.html
only the 1st 2 pgs have the details- conveniently highlighted in yellow

Richard Reeves says in SCHEER INTELLIGENCE Show
that in his interview w Trump in his Tower, a Google secretary would
come in every 15 min with a Google search of every story that mentioned
him, and he would immediately read them... which at the speed he
replies, he must be doing. So all the guy does is bask in his own media,
nonstop, like a diva in a bubblebath blasting her own music!! Reeves despises him- "an ADHD 12
yo with the same self-control, wisdom, + language".
The 25th AMENDMENT Gives the Congress or Cabinet the right to REMOVE an INCAPABLE President- it specifies: VEEP + half of Department Heads (Cabinet) must certify Pres DISABLED, if President opposes it, Congress decides: 2/3 of both Houses could REMOVE A TRAITOR President.
The 25th AMENDMENT Gives the Congress or Cabinet the right to REMOVE an INCAPABLE President- it specifies: VEEP + half of Department Heads (Cabinet) must certify Pres DISABLED, if President opposes it, Congress decides: 2/3 of both Houses could REMOVE A TRAITOR President.
The 6 reasons Trump LOST the Election by +7.5 mil votes and the 6 Crimes He Committed. Incredible news has come out from a US intelligence operative doing Oppo research on Trump that he was a Kremlin tool for 5 years and had been blackmailed and funded! Not surprising he "believes" a KGB thug dictator rather than all our intelligence agencies!! Congress should delay the Inauguration 5 weeks for the investigation to conclude and decide what they can do, instead of sleepwalking into allowing a likely traitor to become President.
A sickening Newsweek story- HOW PUTIN PLAYED THE FAR LEFT details Jill Stein's myriad connections and support of Putin's repressive machine- from accepting money to attending Russia Today fetes at Putin's table (w Nat. Sec. nut advisor Flynn), to embracing Russian conspiracy theories on MH17 and the Maidan Revolution! With only Stein's votes in PA,MI,WI Hillary would have won! Of course the slow Russia-Wikileaks releases were designed to alienate Sanderistas and 3rd Party fools with evidence of Hillary's "corruption", like her speeches to Goldman Sachs (standard way famous get rich is the big-business of lectures- $200-400K is common for superstars- there is no bribery or quid pro quo); now of course Trump has packed his Cabinet with 5 Goldman's alums.
Another target in the great, but now shamed Mag The Nation, has been the Russia-centric trash produced by Stephen Cohen (married to owner Vanden Heuvel) and others- they have apparently decided their anti-neocon-imperialism passions outweigh allying with the dangerous lying thug Putin. The Soviet scholar Cohen was always my favorite expert until he became a Putin whore after Russia's PutInvasions of Crimea + Donbas- he would often repeat Russian "disinformation". I honestly think a proper investigation of his finances would show long-term Russian "support'.
1 week to

EXIT POLLS IN 4 CRUCIAL STATE SAY HILLARY WON! - Exit Polls are not by any means perfect, especially in this election, but the apparent margins of Trump's changes are stunning and probably proof of the disenfranchisement schemes in place in virtually every Repub state. Florida and any 1 of the other states would have made Hillary President :
FLORIDA — 29 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 47.7%, Trump 46.4% — Clinton wins by 1.3%
Actual: Clinton 47.8, Trump 49.0 — Trump wins by 1.2 Trump gain between exit polls and actual results: 2.5

Exit Polls: Clinton 48.6, Trump 46.5 — Clinton wins by 2.1
Actual: Clinton 46.1, Trump 49.9 — Trump wins by 3.8 Trump gain: 5.9
PENNSYLVANIA — 20 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 50.5, Trump 46.1 — Clinton wins by 4.4
Actual: Clinton 47.6, Trump 48.8 — Trump wins by 1.2 Trump gain: 5.6
WISCONSIN — 10 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 48.2, Trump 44.3 — Clinton wins by 3.9
Actual: Clinton 47.6, Trump 48.8 — Trump wins by 1.2 Trump gain: 5.1
Dec 20 This Disastah is the Ultimate victory of PROPAGANDA: the unprecedented 25 yr RW slander campaign against the decent honest Clintons, which everyone under 40 has grown up bathed in.... until even liberals, and sane people believed some of it. Propaganda WORKS, which every demagogue knows well- Trump reportedly had Adolph's book of speeches by his bed! Most Repubs think mild-mannered workaholic Hillary is the Anti-Christ, with 15% gone completely around the bend thinking Hillary has had dozens of people killed. Limbaugh, FoxNews, hate radio should have shut-down when they spewed 75% lies on their talk shows 25 years ago. Excellent Johnathan Alter also counts it #1 reason of 7! (below).
The changing lead is from absentees in CA, OR, WA, UT- they have varying amounts- up to 28 days from election (final projected HRC +2.8 mil, 1.9-2.0%). Now once she topped an incredible 2.1 mil lead, the rise isn't just in Hill votes- she has won by more votes than Jimmy Carter, JFK, Richard Nixon in their successful campaigns. But the 4 crucial swings (MI,WI,PA,FL) barely budged until the last 2 weeks [PA LEAD HAS DROPPED BY 1/3- now only 44K (12/7); WI Trump lead dropped by 1/5- 5K, so the margin that would have made Hillary Pres is now 78K- STEIN LOST IT for Hill!, if PA numbers hold- they use many vulnerable paperless electronic voting machines] 3 states have Repub Govs who have signed off on Voter Suppression Bills. 10/28 MI certified their hair margin election (10,704) quickly to avoid it being overturned- MI 3rd Party Voters 251,000, CrossCheck Purge List of "duplicate" citizens- 450,000 (the raw list, @ ~13% removed= 50K; broken voting machines in Detroit-87 (who had begged the Repub state to replace them); votes not counted in black areas: 75,000). After losing Hillary WI + MI, Jill Stein now has demanded a forensically appropriate recount in WI,MI,PA; WI + MI is underway, Trumpeters lost their 1st legal challenge in MI, won in the MI Supremes, but lost in Fed. NO, the Federal Appeals judge, after ordering immediate start to recount, bizarrely flipped and stopped the recount!!! This comes from thousands of death threats, not integrity; and is an unprecedented intrusion into standard recount procedures, the MI AG had sued to protect the various Repub scams . Trump is screeching about a laughable 2.6 mil. vote fraud to obscure the REAL scandal- DISENFRANCHISEMENT, while journos waste all the air talking about his absurd lies. They need to react to his proclamations like Seth Meyers or the Daily Show, with laughter + ridicule, TPD doesn't deserve the earnest respect of their refutations- journos must BECOME reality stars to compete in the Donald's universe. Say, "Pres. Trump untruthfully said,": xxx
First item is what will TPPD do to his critics- This is the most vindictive man on the planet- almost unhinged about punishing critics, who holds grudges for 30 years. People likely to be targeted- all prominent Dems, journalists, Repub turncoats + traitors, anyone who blocked any of his plans, any critics anywhere, etc etc. With the pliant Jeff Sessions as AG, anyone is fair game. To do that he will establish some Trump Praetorian guard, under some kind of imaginary ISIS threat or use The Deportation Force, who will grow to thousands (his pal Putin has such a new force- some 400,000): Justice Dept + FBI will be completely politicized. They will investigate, bully, terrorize, and destroy ALL of Trump's "ENEMIES" with the full force of the Federal Gov.. Bush's Enemies List was 5300, Nixon 400?, Trumps will be 200,000. We saw an example with Boeing, whose chief criticized Trump's coming trade war, and was subject to a stock-dropping 3 pronged Trump attack.

Trump's pet general
With Putin, the traitor will give away the store- as we speak, the plans for a gleaming Trump Tower on Red Sq, or Manezh Sq are being offered, what's the cost of this transaction for the orange businessman- Russia invades Ukraine or the Baltics. Trump likes making deals, and Vlad Vlad wants nothing more that to make an SU2 in the Eurasian Trade Union, why he invaded Crimea + the Donbas after Yanukovich was tossed out in a popular uprising (he had opposed it for 4 years till blackmailed in Sochi). Trump apparently loves the idea of all-powerful leaders carving up the world into sphere's of influence, like Yalta, or Mafia Dons. So after NATO is crippled and weakened for a year- which he can do as Prez, the Baltics + Ukraine are toast, American world leadership evaporates, and Putin will do whatever he wants. Maybe he wants Poland. All TPPD has to do is NOT react, not send troops in response to an invasion- Europe NATO is headless without America. Although after their WH meeting, Obama said TPD was committed to NATO, as his extensive non-idiocy training commenced; Obama trying to temper Donald's destructiveness with honey and ill-deserved respect. Maybe Putin will be happy slaughtering all opposition to Ass-ad, maybe his appetite grows for ME oil. As Russia/Assad make their genocidal push in Allepo, Trumps ignorance of the MidEast is breathtaking- "You can't be pro-Putin and anti-Ayatollah in Syria!" Incredibly the most ignorant person in ANY high public office EVER ISN'T taking the Daily Presidential Brief on world affairs, perhaps becase they will tell him Putin (or Duterte, Edogan) attrocities that he doesn't want to hear.
Bulgarian President Radev-

And we must not reduce the massive influence of SEXISM, that men, even many women, don't trust a woman in high office !!!! The ultra-libs in America don't understand sexism is THE STANDARD across 80% of the world, 2nd + 3rd 99%, only America and Europe Australia are so progressive. In China, Muslim world, India, Hispanics, Slavs- women don't dis men or they get a whooping (often even if they are respectful). I braced the excellent Veep candidate Geraldine Ferraro with that question in '85 Mpls press conf. (@13:20 min if it doesn't cue up)- did the fact she lost the female vote to Reagan by 12% mean she had set back women's chances.. and got a long answer (Hillary lost it by 3%). I was sure the political lesson of the Mondale wipe-out was so toxic it would be 25 years before we saw another woman on the ticket: It was 24. Sex does not trump RW conservatism: anti-abortioneers + evangelicals (who almost ALL came back to the dirtbag Donald) are fanatics (30-40% of Repub women). Ferraro also had an irrelevant husband scandal to deal with.

In AGW, if Trump pulls out of the Paris Agreement, all global agreements collapse, and it is curtains on a significant portion of the human race. Instead of 25-40% dying in the next century 80-90% will. Of course, only 10-20% will cause the utter collapse of civilization. I really am not kidding- I am a semi-expert on this- I interviewed the now head of Goddard (the weather/warming world center) for about 3-4 hours over several months for my last opus article, read everything written about it for 10 years, am a chemist, first wrote about it in '79, and Al Gore liked my articles. When the Arctic Ice cap melts completely next year or 2018, maybe the fool will reconsider; in outrage over Trump's election the Arctic is now insanely hot +36F above normal. 10.5 gigatons emissions last year (50% above even 10 years ago), now 410 ppm CO2 (490 all gases equiv), higher than anytime in 20 mil years, or the rise of us destructive monkeys. Horrifyingly (and negating the next scenario) he has appointed an AGW denier, Myron Bell, to head the EPA!!! Who he appoints in the next week or 2 should tell.

The detestable Comey (or the CIA) could have easily stopped Trump instead of sabotaging Hillary by exposing his now admitted extensive contacts with the Russian Gov. Hillary blames Comey now, as does Lewandowski! AG Schneiderman in NY could also have charged him in the Trump U and multiple fraud investigations, but the undercurrent of fear has already started.The SS could have arrested him for publicly calling for Hillary's assassination twice- which endangered his own agents more, since there are 20 million Hispanics and Muslims whose life he has promised to trash. And cowardly Obama could have threatened Putin to send Ukraine every weapon in the arsenal in June, or directed the FBI to have a full report ready by Oct, or fired Comey and released the (meaningless Hill email news) AND Putin's hacking and Trump's connections.
RESULTS: All the dummas Young who believed the trash propaganda about Hillary's corruption are guilty, and who didn't bother to vote or voted for the buffoon Johnson or Stein. 43% of the people inc. the young DIDN'T VOTE- a crime against humanity at these stakes. 6 million less turned out than in 2012, According to exit polls, young 18-29 went only 55% Clinton / 37% Trump, 8% other (exit polls): that number should have been 80% with a similar turnout! TED: Democracy (audio dnld)- Non-Voters are SUCKERS! -12,000 votes MI, 242,000 Other
After the media hammered and hammered how unlikeable BOTH candidates were, even the virulently disparaged Hispanics turned out less than for Obama/Romney and only 65% / 37% for Hillary (maybe because of their sexism), exactly the same as Asians. Total turnout was 57%, but 6 million more than 2012. Women, beaten like a rug by the Donald, voted more for Hillary by 12 pts (54% to 42%), exactly the same plurality Men did for Trump (53% to 41%)- but he won white women 53%, a sad commentary, and white men by 2 to 1, 63% to 31%, all whites by +21% . Party is everything, sex doesn't matter much. The terrible polls may have been because Trumpeteers were reluctant to admit that they were. Rump gleaned a massive white turnout, especially vote from rural regions. JON ALTER: "Obama lost working-class whites to Mitt Romney by a 26-point margin in 2012. Hillary Clinton lost them to Trump by an astonishing 39 points—even worse than Walter Mondale did against Ronald Reagan in the 1984 landslide." - 7 reasons Hill Lost (6 are mine too)
TRUMP told us the Election was rigged: The 100-odd voter suppression measures in almost every Repub State removed maybe 1-2 million mostly Dem voters ( turnout in WI was at its lowest level in 20 yrs and fell by 52,000 in Milwaukee, where 70 percent of blacks live)- and Greg Palast claims one program alone threw the election- an 28-state Interstate "duplicate" voter removal scam called CrossCheck (RollingStone), run by a key Trump ally that targeted +1 mil voters (of 7 mil list). It matched 1st + Last names (without middle) of "identical" voters across the country. Targeting common ethnic names, a stunning 1 of 6 Hispanics, or 1 of 9 blacks made the main list, on the other hand, that is close to the frequency of minorities in the population. A database expert was shocked by Crosscheck's "childish methodology... God forbid your name is Garcia, of which there are 858,000 in the U.S., and your first name is Joseph or Jose. You're .. suspected of voting in 27 states." Palast (and I) investigated the famous 42% inaccurate 2000 Florida Felon Voter Purge of 92,000 vastly Dems that gave the Presidency to GB2 (along with 10 other FL Repub Election scams).
Crosscheck in action:
Trump victory margin in Michigan: | 13,107 |
Michigan Crosscheck purge list: | 449,922 |
Trump victory margin in Arizona: | 85,257 |
Arizona Crosscheck purge list: | 270,824 |
Trump victory margin in North Carolina: | 177,008 |
North Carolina Crosscheck purge list: | 589,393 |
The NYT said, "North Carolina Republican Party issued a news release boasting that cutbacks in early voting hours reduced black turnout by 8.5% below 2012 levels, even as the numbers of white early voters increased by 22.5%.” Reduced #s of voting machines (below primaries) in black + student areas, refused and not sent absentee ballots, rejected provisional ballots- a full panoply of tactic were used to selectively reduce the Dem vote. "Ohio’s exit polls showed Trump and Clinton in a dead heat – 47 percent for Clinton to 47.1 for Trump. Officially, Trump won with 52.1 percent of the vote to Clinton’s 43.5 percent. This unexplained and unexpected 8.5 percent shift for Trump is mathematically impossible...In key Senate races in Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Missouri, exit polls also showed Democratic candidates winning by statistically significant margins, but then losing." 11/25 Perhaps feeling guilty about her role ALONE in almost denying HRC (her votes swayed WI+MI), Jill Stein has taken up the Dem cudgel in the face of continuing shock + paralysis, REQUESTING RECOUNTS in PA, WI, MI- the 3 states that would have put Hillary in the White House.
Bernie would probably have done better, but 6.6 mil more voted for HRC in the primary- that wasn't any half-asssed DNC machination (who really have much less power than thought), that was Democracy. Hillary had 30 years of nat. relationships, friendships, debts from politicians; who of course didn't help Bernie. That's just politics... not corruption. Unless you are a baby, which some Sanderistas were. Kurt Eichenwald tears apart the narcissism of non-or-3rdP voting liberals; listing elements of the 2 ft thick oppo book the Repubs had compiled on Bernie: "He would have been ripped apart." Note I voted for Bernie
Clinton's messaging was horrible, instead of constantly pounding the lunacy of working people thinking a billionaire was their savior: "Are you CRAZY? He wants to give a $4 trillion tax cut to the rich!!!", she just kept attacking him for his character. She never spoke of how she would help the dispossessed and angry in the Rust Belt, just presumed his gargantuan flaws would render him unelectable. A giant Beyonce rally in Ohio in the final days was a thumb in the eye of disgruntled whites. Michael Moore had predicted this a few months ago- how in the privacy of the polling booth, all these angry voters would stick it to the system and blow it all up- now he says Trump will be impeached, but Pence is a religious fanatic and nightmare of his own. Allan Lichtman, who claims accurately forecasting the last 9 Pres elections, also predicted Trump's win by his simple 13 question test (and his impeachemnt).

and Matt Taibbi also has some choice criticisms in RS.
In the States, news was also bad- 3 more states flipped to Repub Govs (bottom VT + NH!), 4 more states became entirely tri-Repub (24: Gov + both Houses), and 32 Legislatures were entirely red (top), the most Repub concentration of power since 1928 - cause of Repubs' chronic voter suppression, gerrymandering, and out right cheating.
I am personally tortured by my conviction that a good coordinated ad campaign I wanted to do among the massive numbers of US expats (5-8 million) could easily have turned out 1/2 million more Dems, at a tiny cost, an absolutely decisive number (Hill "lost" WI by only 27k, MI by 12k, PA 68k, but Repub disenfranchisement, polling and early voting limits + reductions probably knocked out several hundred thousand Dems there).
I slept well finally Thurs night and woke without the feeling of catatonic Sickness and Dread that has infested my life since Tuesday night, so I shouldn't even look at this stuff. Trump victory was A. racism about the Other in the White House, B misogyny and distrust of women by even women, C hatred and paranoia of immigrants and foreigners, D the right-wing media machine cranking out 25 years of propaganda and lies against the libs and Clintons, E. Comey's treachery in his empty Oct Surprise emails, F. 100 voter disenfranchisement schemes, G The boundless gullibility and ignorance of the American people in choosing a lying crooked dimwitted rich huckster as their plebian Messiah. We really did it this time.

with US Journalist / Political Commentator Michael Hammerschlag

NJ politician / Democratic Convention delegate / Democrats Abroad Ukraine Chairman Reno Dominico
For all the reasons we lost, and all the reasons Trump is the worst candidate in US history, listen to our brilliant Nov 8 podcast, which I would stack up against ANY single talk show on this. Some of it is how we deal with the deplorables, all the slimeball Haters that have crawled out of the woodwork- the vermin who really hate women, blacks, and immigrants; and will poison the body politic for years, maybe decades.... but it was ALL predicated on a Hill victory. the first file is OK, except that he is tinny and lower volume; but the GOOD one is the second, if you listen to it properly. Skype Recorder now saves one party on Left and one party on Right channels, the massive echo on mine is coming from his, so if you flip the balance (audio mixer to you youth who have never seen one) to the Left side when I speak, it's fine. But you won't hear co-host Reno when he talks so you must flip it back to middle or his side. This isn't as annoying as it seems- we both do 3-5 min passionate monologues.
Hillary's lead has continued to erode, with NH showing an IMPOSSIBLE 7-8% drop to a 1.6% Trump lead (now +.6 HRC), and her only ahead 1.7% nationally with a 65% win probability (now +3% + 70% 8pm EST Nov 7. Nov 5: I don't believe these- think it's still a +3 pt Clinton lead). And Florida is a dead heat (+0.2 Hill now)- I think it will all come down to Florida again, and again dimwit 3rd Party Lefties could make a monster President (Yet RCP shows Hill does better in a 4 way race!). Hard to believe there is now a possible Prez who makes GB2 look wise + reasonable (he's voting Hill). The Dem Senate is in grave danger too (need 4), with only +3 seats obvious, and NV, NH, IN (swing); NC now leaning Repub!! The horror. The swingy-est state was NV (Reid's open) and NH was shifted by Ayotte's saying she wouldn't vote for TPD.
28 years after Pakistan, 50 after India, America's Ms. President?

TRUMP LOSERS: My theory is that much of the 25% of hardcore Trump supporters who would stick with him if he did shoot someone on 5th Ave, DON'T EXPECT HIM TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT, they understand the torrent of BS and lies he emanates, but they want to burn everything down- They want to bring America to its knees.. and the constant media portrayals of them as poor left behind victims misses their revolutionary intentional destructiveness and wealth- avg household wealth of $72,000!! Trump is their nuclear bomb under the foundation of American Democracy that will make everyone pay for their imagined disenfranchisement. And the unbelievable returning of the Repubs to rally around a traitor allied with America's greatest threat (new proof of Trump secret relationship with Putin's Bank), just beggars belief, and is proof of their loss of all sanity (Trump's a useful idiot, says CIA's Hayden). Pence, a classic cold warrior, advocates a hard line with Russia, but he would be kneecapped early by TPD, or rather TPPD (The President Pig Donald)

PUTISIS NIGHTMARE: I frankly have long expected an ISIS or AQ attack NOW, in the last 2 days (+70 dead in a Orlando style assault); coupled with say, Russian hacking of Florida + North Carolina- the orange freak could win. Nothing would more destroy America and the dream of America than that; and for KGB Putin- the ultimate success of destroying NATO without a shot. This ignores Repub dirty tricks like in FL2000 or OH2004- TPDs constant harping on the rigged election makes the issue impossible to raise by HRC, like his screeching about "criminal, lock her up, rapist Bill". All are HIS CRIMES, but it is Karl Rove's longtime strategy- attack their strengths, not their weaknesses!! Nov 9, the stock market would crash 2000 points and the dollar would devalue 10%, it may dwarf 2008.. and the world may not come back for years. As HuffPost says, the S+P has dropped for 9 straight days now from fears of TPD chaos, unseen in 36 years!!!!

Oct 31Issue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iCUI-k723A

TIGHTENING: Although the WaPo said last week that Trump's people had given up, in the most alarming development, lowlife deplorable Repubs
are coming home to their GOParty of Haters and racists and
misogynists- after all next to a traitor imbecile facist Il Douche, Hillary would be
HORRIBLE. Most alarmingly, RCP says latest FL poll tightened to +0.7 HRC
from +3.8% a week ago, and Hill is by 5.2 now, 4.4% in 4 way (1.8% down); 79% likelihood, so TPD has a 1 in 5 chance!!!! It ain't over till the Trump-slandered fat
lady sings so DON'T BE COMPLACENT + GET YOUR PEOPLE OUT TO VOTE!!! http://www.realclearpolitics.com/ 538 though, shows OH, IA, AZ dead even, but says Sat that Hills likelihood is down to 75%, that's one chance in 4 for the Cheetos Jesus and the end of the American Experiment!!Actually latest poll says TPD is UP in Florida .5% and Hillary's all over lead under 3%! == The Horror.
DEM NOW video w Pulitzer writer of The Making of Donal Trump on it.
DEM NOW video w Pulitzer writer of The Making of Donal Trump on it.
TRUMP 13 YO RAPE story still not really covered- if this were Bill, it would be front page news for weeks:
Here are fresh compilations of his ~20 groping, molestation cases- IBT is best
Trump's Network, email/donor list will ensure him continuing power- that the stench of this ignorant reprobate won't just fade away- evil genius is son -in-law Kushner
Who's Your Daddy (+ what did he want from U??) -
Who's Your Daddy (+ what did he want from U??) -
Disenfranchisement across the country. In
Wisconsin, Republicans haven’t presented a single case of voter
impersonation in court, yet the state’s strict voter-ID law could
disenfranchise 300,000 registered voters this year. “A preoccupation
with mostly phantom election fraud leads to real incidents of
disenfranchisement," said a Fed Judge. In almost every one of the 31 Repub controlled states, voter suppression measures have been passed.
Undercover in the RW border militias- ICE agents appreciate they "help" for free; With the Bundy terrorists getting off these hwackos will be further empowered to terrorize people in voting places
FB EYE Director
Comey send out a murky McCarthyesque letter to Congressional panels
about a NEW investigation of Hill's email, from another sex
investigation of the aptly named Weiner finding Clinton emails on his
wife's computer. At this point in the election, this is partisan hackery
of the highest order- and shows the risk of an FBI or Justice Dept head from another party- especially when Trump could be jailed for 5 reason TOMORROW! (down 3 paras). This is why he calls her a criminal + talks about jailing her- it's classic Rovian tactics- hit your opponent with YOUR crimes to confuse the issue and prevent them from bringing it up.
the Trump Infection is ever to be cleansed, THIS is the moment for
NY AG Schneiderman to hit TPD with criminal fraud + cheating charges,
re. his billions of $ of intentional defaults and non-payments. Arrest
the orange monkey and make him do the Frog Walk- but doubt anyone has
the bals to do this now- this monster has swollen to truly frightening
dimensions.IF you are a hard-core political junkie, you can now OD on DAILY radio programs from (happy talk successor to Its all Politics) NPR Politics and NYT's + Nate Silvers 538 (downloadable)
Best funniest TV coverage of Election, period SETH MEYERS :
--------------------------------------------- Oct 26 DE-BAIT 3: Trump
was incoherent, bloated, reptilian, frozen on anti-anxiety meds; while Hillary looked great - 20 years younger- dressed in pristine white... but still failed to put Trump away or even down with any tremendous roundhouse or knockout blows, except one about Chinese Steel in his DC Trump Tower. TPD gave her many opportunities in his incomprehensible word salad of gibberish, but she was not on her A game. Still when you add up the sense she made with the sense he made- there was no contest- NOTHING the pathological liar says makes sense. But the great unwashed needed Trump rubbed in the dirt from which he emanated. The 3rd debate was held in Las Vegas, whose main paper (just bought by RW casino pimp Lips Adelson), just endorsed TPD.
I think she should have called him a crook and a fraudster who borrowed hundreds of millions $ with no intention of repaying- NY AG Schneidermen may have an Oct surprise re. that or the Trump U scam. Trump could be jailed on a dozen charges- treason for encouraging Russia to hack US mail, threatening a presidential candidate for encouraging his people to assassinate Hill, bribery of Gov officials, which has bragged about (AG FL, NJ- this is only way he hasn't been jailed- preemptive bribery), cheating almost everybody he has EVER done business with. Even his new DC Hotel is on the fast track to bankruptcy- they charge over double what any other DC luxury hotel does. Trumps bubble and the tens of millions of low-lifes he has "empowered" should be popped before he creates another open sewage TV propaganda outlet. She should have addressed him with the contempt he has earned.
Wallace yammered for them to stop over-talking like a small yapping dog, but was insistent with Hill, while letting Trump ramble. He sometimes carried Trump's water so much that Trump thanked him 3 times!! 2 tough questions of TPD but didn't hold him to the truth or even an answer - Trump immediately changed the subject. Wonder if Chris has been offered a job in TPD's new network - that would be the Trump MO, and credible RW newscasters are very rare.. Of course the big news was Trump not planning the honor the results of election, "unless I win!!!", but frankly everyone should get smarter about his cheapjack ploys - the media slut just wants to stay the center of attention no matter what happens. And really there is nothing he says he actually believes- the real Trump or what he would do as Prez is still a complete mystery. WE HAVE ALL BEEN PUNKED.
Trump seemed so drugged- Jaba the Hut stayed paralyzed behind the lecturn as the debate ended while Hillary radiantly shook hands with Wallace and greeted her friends and supporters. He took a minute to emerge and still looked empty and aimless, aware he was soon going to be THE BIGGEST LOSER, a cosmic joke, that nothing he had done had budged the needle except pushing it down, and soon most of the media would ignore and avoid him... with great relief.
- what will you do after the election, Donald?
Another pointless frustrating debate with many missed opportunities for Hill, but TPD again displaying his enormous ignorance and incoherence. Hill 58% winner and election all but over! Listening to the pundits clips and excerpts, it seems Hillary did significantly better than I thought, but at this point +90% of the planet Earth WANTS HIM TO LOSE, including sane journalists, so they ARE tilting the scales... as a service to mankind. Or it's rigged, said the fool.
Hills percentage didn't seem to rise after the debate on RCP, but her swing states still are firming up dramatically, though they faded some since Oct 23! But a Sunday Oct 23 ABC Poll came out with a stunning 50% to 38% Hill lead!!! 538 says there is a 12% decrease in enthusiasm in Trumpeteers as they watched his lackluster last debates, and a stunning 7% drop in likely Repubs voting in only the last week. It looks quite possible this is going to be the crushing victory I dreamed of when I hoped for a Trump victory over a year ago.
A Dem Senate looks very likely as do significant gains in the House, esp if this is a historic WAVE election, like 2006 + 2010. SENATE: RCP - +4 DEM seats: NH Hassan +2, Bayh +4.3, Duckworth +7, Feingold +5.3, NV Masto +2.3 REPUBS: PA Toomey +1.8, NC Burr +2.8, MO Blunt +1.0
Oct 19 Pre Debate : RCP - HRC +6.6%, FL +3.5, Az +.2 ;;;. 538- Hill win 87% likely
Oct 26 Polls: RCP- HRC +5.95%, FL +3.8, Az +1.2, NC +2.5, VA +8, NV +4.2; OH Trump +0.6; 538: HRC +6.4% 86% HRC Win
Oct 13: GREAT DE-BAIT 2: Hillary stumbles:
I am very disappointed- Hill could have knocked the Cheeto monkey out in this race and won a Dem Senate and maybe even House, but she had no game plan. SHE KNEW TPD was going to go after Bill's sex "scandals" (most of whom haven't been proved), and she should have been prepared. When he pivoted from his own crude piggish remarks to attack Bill, she should have marched up to him and said with barely suppressed fury, "MR TRUMP, I AM RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT, NOT MY HUSBAND!! And your crude ignorant piggish treatment of women is the issue- of course you want to change the subject, but how many more of these tapes and accusers are out there, Donaaald?????? How many women have you grabbed by the ... oh I can't even say it?" The audience would have gone nuts... and Trump's bubble would have been popped- game, set, match. Trying to be civil with this thug is a losing strategy. DRUG TEST FOR THE COKE SNIFFING SIMP.
Instead she took the bait and tried to defend the indefensible because little was ever really proved against Bill; rattled by having 4 of these accuser women in the front row; then answered the email nonsense instead of just saying: "This has been answered 20 times and I'm not doing it again" and then pivoted
into attacking HIS CRIMINALITY. Borrowing hundreds of millions over and over, with the intent to default, to not pay, to sue is CRIMINAL FRAUD, and Trump should be arrested and charged by the NY or other AGs. Instead her inaction let TPD escalate to claiming she was a criminal and threatening to jail her, like petty dictator Yanukovich did to Tymochenko, provoking the Ukr Revolt 2 years later. Dictator Donald- IL DOUCHE. Screw this issues business- you must beat a bully down and Trump was on the ropes, with blood in the water. The Civil War could have been won in the first 2 battles... but McClellon was a Southern sympathizer and ultra-cautious general. Again TPD emulating his Soviet heros (and paymasters?).
The Gulianni/Bannon/Trump plan was actually to have the women seated in the family box to confront and accuse Bill on his way in, but Debate Commission organizers Fahrenkopft + my man Mike McCurry threatened to have security eject them, if they tried!! pigs in a poke
I think the debate actually came out even- considering TPD's constant attacks, the moderators boxing both candidates ears, allowing their disgust at TPD to bleed over in their treatment of HRC. In going after Bill, Trump used Rove's strategy of attacking your opponent for YOUR OWN CRIMES, that bizarre thing about Hillary defending (court appointed) a rapist of some 13yo (12?) was carefully planned to defray the INEVITABLE release of the 13 yo now accusing Trump of rape at Epstein's Lolita Parties in NYC Federal Court. When it does, people will THINK it means Clinton!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THE GUTLESS MEDIA DID NOT BRING THAT UP- some talked about Jill Harth's harassment 20 years ago, but this is directly relevant, it is all of a piece- a pig is a pig is a PIG. HRC is afraid cause Bill also used Epstein's chartered airline (like Prince Andrew)- if she doesn't bring it up... TRUMP WILL- accusing Bill of sleaze there- to confuse the issue further- you watch.
Best funniest TV coverage of Election, period SETH MEYERS :
--------------------------------------------- Oct 26 DE-BAIT 3: Trump
was incoherent, bloated, reptilian, frozen on anti-anxiety meds; while Hillary looked great - 20 years younger- dressed in pristine white... but still failed to put Trump away or even down with any tremendous roundhouse or knockout blows, except one about Chinese Steel in his DC Trump Tower. TPD gave her many opportunities in his incomprehensible word salad of gibberish, but she was not on her A game. Still when you add up the sense she made with the sense he made- there was no contest- NOTHING the pathological liar says makes sense. But the great unwashed needed Trump rubbed in the dirt from which he emanated. The 3rd debate was held in Las Vegas, whose main paper (just bought by RW casino pimp Lips Adelson), just endorsed TPD.
I think she should have called him a crook and a fraudster who borrowed hundreds of millions $ with no intention of repaying- NY AG Schneidermen may have an Oct surprise re. that or the Trump U scam. Trump could be jailed on a dozen charges- treason for encouraging Russia to hack US mail, threatening a presidential candidate for encouraging his people to assassinate Hill, bribery of Gov officials, which has bragged about (AG FL, NJ- this is only way he hasn't been jailed- preemptive bribery), cheating almost everybody he has EVER done business with. Even his new DC Hotel is on the fast track to bankruptcy- they charge over double what any other DC luxury hotel does. Trumps bubble and the tens of millions of low-lifes he has "empowered" should be popped before he creates another open sewage TV propaganda outlet. She should have addressed him with the contempt he has earned.
Wallace yammered for them to stop over-talking like a small yapping dog, but was insistent with Hill, while letting Trump ramble. He sometimes carried Trump's water so much that Trump thanked him 3 times!! 2 tough questions of TPD but didn't hold him to the truth or even an answer - Trump immediately changed the subject. Wonder if Chris has been offered a job in TPD's new network - that would be the Trump MO, and credible RW newscasters are very rare.. Of course the big news was Trump not planning the honor the results of election, "unless I win!!!", but frankly everyone should get smarter about his cheapjack ploys - the media slut just wants to stay the center of attention no matter what happens. And really there is nothing he says he actually believes- the real Trump or what he would do as Prez is still a complete mystery. WE HAVE ALL BEEN PUNKED.
Trump seemed so drugged- Jaba the Hut stayed paralyzed behind the lecturn as the debate ended while Hillary radiantly shook hands with Wallace and greeted her friends and supporters. He took a minute to emerge and still looked empty and aimless, aware he was soon going to be THE BIGGEST LOSER, a cosmic joke, that nothing he had done had budged the needle except pushing it down, and soon most of the media would ignore and avoid him... with great relief.
- what will you do after the election, Donald?
Another pointless frustrating debate with many missed opportunities for Hill, but TPD again displaying his enormous ignorance and incoherence. Hill 58% winner and election all but over! Listening to the pundits clips and excerpts, it seems Hillary did significantly better than I thought, but at this point +90% of the planet Earth WANTS HIM TO LOSE, including sane journalists, so they ARE tilting the scales... as a service to mankind. Or it's rigged, said the fool.
Hills percentage didn't seem to rise after the debate on RCP, but her swing states still are firming up dramatically, though they faded some since Oct 23! But a Sunday Oct 23 ABC Poll came out with a stunning 50% to 38% Hill lead!!! 538 says there is a 12% decrease in enthusiasm in Trumpeteers as they watched his lackluster last debates, and a stunning 7% drop in likely Repubs voting in only the last week. It looks quite possible this is going to be the crushing victory I dreamed of when I hoped for a Trump victory over a year ago.
A Dem Senate looks very likely as do significant gains in the House, esp if this is a historic WAVE election, like 2006 + 2010. SENATE: RCP - +4 DEM seats: NH Hassan +2, Bayh +4.3, Duckworth +7, Feingold +5.3, NV Masto +2.3 REPUBS: PA Toomey +1.8, NC Burr +2.8, MO Blunt +1.0
Oct 19 Pre Debate : RCP - HRC +6.6%, FL +3.5, Az +.2 ;;;. 538- Hill win 87% likely
Oct 26 Polls: RCP- HRC +5.95%, FL +3.8, Az +1.2, NC +2.5, VA +8, NV +4.2; OH Trump +0.6; 538: HRC +6.4% 86% HRC Win
Oct 13: GREAT DE-BAIT 2: Hillary stumbles:
I am very disappointed- Hill could have knocked the Cheeto monkey out in this race and won a Dem Senate and maybe even House, but she had no game plan. SHE KNEW TPD was going to go after Bill's sex "scandals" (most of whom haven't been proved), and she should have been prepared. When he pivoted from his own crude piggish remarks to attack Bill, she should have marched up to him and said with barely suppressed fury, "MR TRUMP, I AM RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT, NOT MY HUSBAND!! And your crude ignorant piggish treatment of women is the issue- of course you want to change the subject, but how many more of these tapes and accusers are out there, Donaaald?????? How many women have you grabbed by the ... oh I can't even say it?" The audience would have gone nuts... and Trump's bubble would have been popped- game, set, match. Trying to be civil with this thug is a losing strategy. DRUG TEST FOR THE COKE SNIFFING SIMP.
Instead she took the bait and tried to defend the indefensible because little was ever really proved against Bill; rattled by having 4 of these accuser women in the front row; then answered the email nonsense instead of just saying: "This has been answered 20 times and I'm not doing it again" and then pivoted
into attacking HIS CRIMINALITY. Borrowing hundreds of millions over and over, with the intent to default, to not pay, to sue is CRIMINAL FRAUD, and Trump should be arrested and charged by the NY or other AGs. Instead her inaction let TPD escalate to claiming she was a criminal and threatening to jail her, like petty dictator Yanukovich did to Tymochenko, provoking the Ukr Revolt 2 years later. Dictator Donald- IL DOUCHE. Screw this issues business- you must beat a bully down and Trump was on the ropes, with blood in the water. The Civil War could have been won in the first 2 battles... but McClellon was a Southern sympathizer and ultra-cautious general. Again TPD emulating his Soviet heros (and paymasters?).
The Gulianni/Bannon/Trump plan was actually to have the women seated in the family box to confront and accuse Bill on his way in, but Debate Commission organizers Fahrenkopft + my man Mike McCurry threatened to have security eject them, if they tried!! pigs in a poke
I think the debate actually came out even- considering TPD's constant attacks, the moderators boxing both candidates ears, allowing their disgust at TPD to bleed over in their treatment of HRC. In going after Bill, Trump used Rove's strategy of attacking your opponent for YOUR OWN CRIMES, that bizarre thing about Hillary defending (court appointed) a rapist of some 13yo (12?) was carefully planned to defray the INEVITABLE release of the 13 yo now accusing Trump of rape at Epstein's Lolita Parties in NYC Federal Court. When it does, people will THINK it means Clinton!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THE GUTLESS MEDIA DID NOT BRING THAT UP- some talked about Jill Harth's harassment 20 years ago, but this is directly relevant, it is all of a piece- a pig is a pig is a PIG. HRC is afraid cause Bill also used Epstein's chartered airline (like Prince Andrew)- if she doesn't bring it up... TRUMP WILL- accusing Bill of sleaze there- to confuse the issue further- you watch.
- I could do her
TPD seemed threatening on camera, but if you studied the wide shots carefully, Hillary was invading HIS space!! His circular wandering wasn't intimidating, as some caller said, but more akin to an elderly man's mindless random movements. Or it's the coke!! The most amazing thing was the nice words they had for each other at the end- "nice Trump family" as the camera showed their stricken stony hateful stares and "Hillary is a fighter who never gives up", rendering his "stam-eeena" BS, well, BS.
I think the many women terrorized by Trump's threats and goons will come out of the woodwork now, like with Cosby. Trump has been doing this abuse for 50 years!!!! Yes, they are- 4 grouper/grabber/kissing claimants so far Oct 13. Indeed, the producer of The APPRENTICE says that there are MANY MORE videos like this of TPD: "When it comes to the #trumptapes there are far worse. #justthebegininng," Pruitt tweeted.
Oct 9: TRUM-PEDODOPHILE: The incredible 13 year
old's NY rape suit against Donald Trump for molesting her 4 times at convicted pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein NYC townhouse in 1994 is back in the news, refiled in NY Federal Court Trump with 15yo Invanka- "who's your daddy?" Sept 30, with a NY Federal Judge setting a hearing date Oct 7!!! Stunning media blackout on this story- especially with TPD calling Bill a rapist. The anonymous hopeful model, Katie Johnson or Jane Doe in court filings, claims the last time he tied her up and forcibly raped and slapped her at Epstein's "Lolita Parties" (and Lolita Express- a chartered flight with underaged and underdressed "stewardesses"). The Trump Models Agency, bringing in illegal immigrant girls kept in virtual slavery, has been likened to a "trafficking ring". Trump's sleazy model parties fed his noted affinity for the eye candy.
Trump- Jill Harth 1990's
Epstein was convicted in Florida and served over a year in jail. 2 witnesses, one Epstein's girl "procurer", testify the 13 yo's allegations are true.
Another married woman Jill Harth who had some business dealings with him, sued Trump in 1997 for years of groping, harassing, and unwanted assaults at Mar de Largo, has a 11 minute video interview with a Guardian reporter. Ivana also accused TPD of violent rape, before she recanted. A devastating piggish audio with Billy Bush came out today: "I just grab then by the pusy- if you're famous you can do anything." Taken with his professed attraction to a 12 yo Paris Hilton, and his public desire to "date" his daughter Ivanka, "If I wasn't a married man"... these allegations are part of a piece- a depraved pig billionaire who thinks he can do anything. Repubs are finally fleeing en masse in reaction to the nuclear audio- 36 at last count as papers excoriate TPD (The Pig Donald) and Reince pulls TPD funding; here are the mechanics of Dumping Trump now, only one month before the election! Trumpanzees could really riot if he is removed, and boycott the election completely, or more terrifyingly- Repubs will all rally to Pence despite disliking his extreme fundamentalism. The Great Debate 2 could be TPD's last hurrah. Note to Icarus Trump: Bernard Kerik.
the canary or the cat?-
http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/third-woman-alleges-she-was-sexually-assaulted-donald-trump -Jeffrey Epstein convicted pedophile billionaire
The real estate hustler may end up winning a term in the BIG HOUSE rather than the White House, if prosecutors do their job. Donald Trump is a serious dirtbag who PLANNED to fail- why he did everything with borrowed money- he may have done it deliberately to get the valuable NOL (net operating losses) to defray all taxes- a superb Newsweek article details it: THE ART OF THE STEAL- especially why in the world the banks agreed to write off $1 bil, issue new loans, and give him $5 mil/year mngmt salary. Turns out "Kiss your money goodbye" -TPD -
the NJ Casino Control Commission came out for the deal (with loads of Trump "contributions") and the fact Trump fought for 14 years to pay foreign workers who cleared a site for him $4/hour wages.. convinced the banks that he WOULD NEVER PAY. Trump is the worst kind of scumbag- a crook who cheats everyone he deals with- and he should be jailed for blatant repetitive fraud. The NY AG could do that!!!!
---- "In all he owed more $3 billion, nearly a third of his debt secured by nothing more substantial than his signature on bank loan papers.
--Last May, Trump revealed that he took on debt with no intention of paying it all back, which strikes me as fraud. “I’ve borrowed knowing you can pay back with discounts,” he told CNBC in May, boasting “I’ve done well with debt.”
--Back then Trump threatened endless litigation unless 70 banks he owed money gave him millions more in new loans at low interest rates and provided him with $5.4 million a year for personal spending, the equivalent of $10 million in today’s money.
--What made the litigation threat credible was Trump’s refusal to pay more than 150 illegal immigrants who demolished the Bonwit Teller department store to make way for Trump Tower. A federal judge ruled that Trump conspired to cheat the workers, who never did collect all of their $4-an-hour wages despite an 18-year struggle.
--The bankers realized that a man who would endure almost two decades of litigation to avoid paying such meager wages might tie them up for eternity over the billions of dollars owed to them.
--When the New Jersey Casino Control Commission took Trump’s side against his bankers, they gave in. The banks canceled close to a billion dollars of Trump’s debts and extended new loans on favorable terms. "------
TRUMP BRIBES OFFICIAL FOR TAX BREAKS: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-donations-alan-hevesi_us_57da25b8e4b0071a6e05666b
A new Monmouth Poll gives HRC a 44 to 42% lead, in Ohio but they have always been the most favorable to Hillary. Still, considering her lead in Florida seems solid, NC + NV are leaning blue, and Trump is fading as proof of his piggishness, ignorance, and crookedness spread... this is good news. See the crooked bent cops who support TPD.
Tim Kaine relentlessly badgered the Silver Ghost with a recitation of Trumps outrageous, abusive, ignorant, + stupid statements Tuesday night. Pence denied +100 times that Trump said or did what he HAD done, the lying coward. Although I prefer a light hand, the useless invisible moderator should have corrected him once or twice. Pence is a despicable woman-hating religious extremist himself, but that never came up, with Kaine's Catholic devoutness. Again, pundits are trying to reframe what happened by the optics- Pence's strong performance?? He was on the ropes the entire debate! Once upon a time, the attacker was always given the win, like in boxing, and Kaine was always on the attack- Pence had no answers, no excuses, and no real strong comebacks of his own.
Sept 26: DEBATE: Video Highlights ABC
Trump first was calm + controlled, but within 10 min was a bullying badgering butthead, but Clinton is staying sunny, w grit, laughing off his attacks. She's goading him- maybe Trump "paid NO tax, maybe has much less money than he claims"- draws blood. The perfect charge to someone hiding taxes, like Harry to Mitt. Also pounds him on Birther claims. TPD calls Holt wrong re. stop + frisk unconstitutional; Holt sticks to his guns that TPD supported Iraq Invasion 4x. #mkham11 "No braggadocio?"! @##$, said Trump. Is he an alien imposter? Hill dissembles- denies "TPP is Gold standard." Trump claims Hill "has been dealing with ISIS all her life" (or since 2009 when they were created). Hillary got better and better- “She doesn’t have the look. She doesn’t have the stamina."- Hills strong response about flying to 112 countries brought applause- 3 times, Trump 0, although there was supposed to be NO audience reactions. No mention of either Foundation!
Trump says that “Hillary has experience. But it’s bad experience.” Hillary finished very strong, twisting the knife of misogyny, noting that Trump has called women “pigs, slobs and dogs,” telling TPD the name of Hispanic beauty contestant that he had trashed with his crude slanders. Trump looked off balance at the end- Clinton family on stage fast, more warm + human family than Robert Palmer backup family of TPD. Hillary 60/40 but Trump succeeds in not defecating on the stage, no insane outburst. Trump does interviews in Media Spin Room, Hill immediately attends "Victory" rally.
CRAPPOLLS have Trump running even or even ahead in some swing states, but frankly I don't believe it. According to the brilliant and hilarious Seth Meyers (LATE LATE SHOW), at this point, candidates are always tied: 2004, 2008, 2012 !!! But the media wants a horse race so they emphasize these shocking polls without mentioning Hill is still ahead by 3-5% in general votes. How squirrelly polls are: the latest Monmouth poll has HRC +5 points Sept 20 in Florida- CNN had Trump +3 FL on Sept 14- no way there's a 8 point flip in 6 days- many don't do cell phones, or emphasize Repubs (CNN). Meyers hammers Trump like no one has ever done on network TV to any candidate- I watched over an hour of these clips. Again what is screamingly obvious is the 3rd Party spoilers likely will decide this race, and how foolish and reckless the 18-40 yo might be in... "making a statement". In every state, Hillary loses 1-4 points when Johnson and Stein are included- in CO, OH, FL it's the difference between winning + losing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBrVrTz5IKo LATE LATE SHOW
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/state/ LATEST POLLS
TPD seemed threatening on camera, but if you studied the wide shots carefully, Hillary was invading HIS space!! His circular wandering wasn't intimidating, as some caller said, but more akin to an elderly man's mindless random movements. Or it's the coke!! The most amazing thing was the nice words they had for each other at the end- "nice Trump family" as the camera showed their stricken stony hateful stares and "Hillary is a fighter who never gives up", rendering his "stam-eeena" BS, well, BS.
I think the many women terrorized by Trump's threats and goons will come out of the woodwork now, like with Cosby. Trump has been doing this abuse for 50 years!!!! Yes, they are- 4 grouper/grabber/kissing claimants so far Oct 13. Indeed, the producer of The APPRENTICE says that there are MANY MORE videos like this of TPD: "When it comes to the #trumptapes there are far worse. #justthebegininng," Pruitt tweeted.
Oct 9: TRUM-PEDODOPHILE: The incredible 13 year
old's NY rape suit against Donald Trump for molesting her 4 times at convicted pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein NYC townhouse in 1994 is back in the news, refiled in NY Federal Court Trump with 15yo Invanka- "who's your daddy?" Sept 30, with a NY Federal Judge setting a hearing date Oct 7!!! Stunning media blackout on this story- especially with TPD calling Bill a rapist. The anonymous hopeful model, Katie Johnson or Jane Doe in court filings, claims the last time he tied her up and forcibly raped and slapped her at Epstein's "Lolita Parties" (and Lolita Express- a chartered flight with underaged and underdressed "stewardesses"). The Trump Models Agency, bringing in illegal immigrant girls kept in virtual slavery, has been likened to a "trafficking ring". Trump's sleazy model parties fed his noted affinity for the eye candy.
Trump- Jill Harth 1990's
Epstein was convicted in Florida and served over a year in jail. 2 witnesses, one Epstein's girl "procurer", testify the 13 yo's allegations are true.
Another married woman Jill Harth who had some business dealings with him, sued Trump in 1997 for years of groping, harassing, and unwanted assaults at Mar de Largo, has a 11 minute video interview with a Guardian reporter. Ivana also accused TPD of violent rape, before she recanted. A devastating piggish audio with Billy Bush came out today: "I just grab then by the pusy- if you're famous you can do anything." Taken with his professed attraction to a 12 yo Paris Hilton, and his public desire to "date" his daughter Ivanka, "If I wasn't a married man"... these allegations are part of a piece- a depraved pig billionaire who thinks he can do anything. Repubs are finally fleeing en masse in reaction to the nuclear audio- 36 at last count as papers excoriate TPD (The Pig Donald) and Reince pulls TPD funding; here are the mechanics of Dumping Trump now, only one month before the election! Trumpanzees could really riot if he is removed, and boycott the election completely, or more terrifyingly- Repubs will all rally to Pence despite disliking his extreme fundamentalism. The Great Debate 2 could be TPD's last hurrah. Note to Icarus Trump: Bernard Kerik.
the canary or the cat?-
http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/third-woman-alleges-she-was-sexually-assaulted-donald-trump -Jeffrey Epstein convicted pedophile billionaire
The real estate hustler may end up winning a term in the BIG HOUSE rather than the White House, if prosecutors do their job. Donald Trump is a serious dirtbag who PLANNED to fail- why he did everything with borrowed money- he may have done it deliberately to get the valuable NOL (net operating losses) to defray all taxes- a superb Newsweek article details it: THE ART OF THE STEAL- especially why in the world the banks agreed to write off $1 bil, issue new loans, and give him $5 mil/year mngmt salary. Turns out "Kiss your money goodbye" -TPD -
the NJ Casino Control Commission came out for the deal (with loads of Trump "contributions") and the fact Trump fought for 14 years to pay foreign workers who cleared a site for him $4/hour wages.. convinced the banks that he WOULD NEVER PAY. Trump is the worst kind of scumbag- a crook who cheats everyone he deals with- and he should be jailed for blatant repetitive fraud. The NY AG could do that!!!!
---- "In all he owed more $3 billion, nearly a third of his debt secured by nothing more substantial than his signature on bank loan papers.
--Last May, Trump revealed that he took on debt with no intention of paying it all back, which strikes me as fraud. “I’ve borrowed knowing you can pay back with discounts,” he told CNBC in May, boasting “I’ve done well with debt.”
--Back then Trump threatened endless litigation unless 70 banks he owed money gave him millions more in new loans at low interest rates and provided him with $5.4 million a year for personal spending, the equivalent of $10 million in today’s money.
--What made the litigation threat credible was Trump’s refusal to pay more than 150 illegal immigrants who demolished the Bonwit Teller department store to make way for Trump Tower. A federal judge ruled that Trump conspired to cheat the workers, who never did collect all of their $4-an-hour wages despite an 18-year struggle.
--The bankers realized that a man who would endure almost two decades of litigation to avoid paying such meager wages might tie them up for eternity over the billions of dollars owed to them.
--When the New Jersey Casino Control Commission took Trump’s side against his bankers, they gave in. The banks canceled close to a billion dollars of Trump’s debts and extended new loans on favorable terms. "------
TRUMP BRIBES OFFICIAL FOR TAX BREAKS: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-donations-alan-hevesi_us_57da25b8e4b0071a6e05666b
A new Monmouth Poll gives HRC a 44 to 42% lead, in Ohio but they have always been the most favorable to Hillary. Still, considering her lead in Florida seems solid, NC + NV are leaning blue, and Trump is fading as proof of his piggishness, ignorance, and crookedness spread... this is good news. See the crooked bent cops who support TPD.

Tim Kaine relentlessly badgered the Silver Ghost with a recitation of Trumps outrageous, abusive, ignorant, + stupid statements Tuesday night. Pence denied +100 times that Trump said or did what he HAD done, the lying coward. Although I prefer a light hand, the useless invisible moderator should have corrected him once or twice. Pence is a despicable woman-hating religious extremist himself, but that never came up, with Kaine's Catholic devoutness. Again, pundits are trying to reframe what happened by the optics- Pence's strong performance?? He was on the ropes the entire debate! Once upon a time, the attacker was always given the win, like in boxing, and Kaine was always on the attack- Pence had no answers, no excuses, and no real strong comebacks of his own.
Sept 26: DEBATE: Video Highlights ABC
Trump first was calm + controlled, but within 10 min was a bullying badgering butthead, but Clinton is staying sunny, w grit, laughing off his attacks. She's goading him- maybe Trump "paid NO tax, maybe has much less money than he claims"- draws blood. The perfect charge to someone hiding taxes, like Harry to Mitt. Also pounds him on Birther claims. TPD calls Holt wrong re. stop + frisk unconstitutional; Holt sticks to his guns that TPD supported Iraq Invasion 4x. #mkham11 "No braggadocio?"! @##$, said Trump. Is he an alien imposter? Hill dissembles- denies "TPP is Gold standard." Trump claims Hill "has been dealing with ISIS all her life" (or since 2009 when they were created). Hillary got better and better- “She doesn’t have the look. She doesn’t have the stamina."- Hills strong response about flying to 112 countries brought applause- 3 times, Trump 0, although there was supposed to be NO audience reactions. No mention of either Foundation!
Trump says that “Hillary has experience. But it’s bad experience.” Hillary finished very strong, twisting the knife of misogyny, noting that Trump has called women “pigs, slobs and dogs,” telling TPD the name of Hispanic beauty contestant that he had trashed with his crude slanders. Trump looked off balance at the end- Clinton family on stage fast, more warm + human family than Robert Palmer backup family of TPD. Hillary 60/40 but Trump succeeds in not defecating on the stage, no insane outburst. Trump does interviews in Media Spin Room, Hill immediately attends "Victory" rally.
CRAPPOLLS have Trump running even or even ahead in some swing states, but frankly I don't believe it. According to the brilliant and hilarious Seth Meyers (LATE LATE SHOW), at this point, candidates are always tied: 2004, 2008, 2012 !!! But the media wants a horse race so they emphasize these shocking polls without mentioning Hill is still ahead by 3-5% in general votes. How squirrelly polls are: the latest Monmouth poll has HRC +5 points Sept 20 in Florida- CNN had Trump +3 FL on Sept 14- no way there's a 8 point flip in 6 days- many don't do cell phones, or emphasize Repubs (CNN). Meyers hammers Trump like no one has ever done on network TV to any candidate- I watched over an hour of these clips. Again what is screamingly obvious is the 3rd Party spoilers likely will decide this race, and how foolish and reckless the 18-40 yo might be in... "making a statement". In every state, Hillary loses 1-4 points when Johnson and Stein are included- in CO, OH, FL it's the difference between winning + losing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBrVrTz5IKo LATE LATE SHOW
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/state/ LATEST POLLS
What is happening here is the victory of propaganda and the failure of journalism. Every American over 40 has grown up bathed in the RW jihad against the Clintons- $200 mil of spurious totally political investigations where he/she/they were cleared again and again and again... but the press DOES NOT REPORT THAT- the discredited Whitewater scandal, the discredited Benghazi scandal. After so much smoke, repeated ad naseum by the media, voters are convinced there must be fire... they don't care... they just are sick of hearing about it and turn that disgust on Hillary, not the Repub trash-mongers or the lazy shallow press. In the 90's, people were well aware of the unfairness of this RW Conspiracy, why Bill's support went up during the Impeachment, but the young are permanently contaminated and every Hater, slanderer, and dirtbag that has perpetuated these outrageous lies became ascendant- Rove, Delay, Gingrich, McConnell, now Trump. WAPO has the muckracking expose how Trump paid his own legal expenses from his Foundation. Jeff Greenfield thinks Trumps supposed surge will provoke Hispanics and the young to "get real" (sane) and turn out en masse. Again Florida + Ohio are key, and the SC ruling allowing the OH voter suppression laws was devastating.
What is happening here is the victory of propaganda and the failure of journalism. Every American over 40 has grown up bathed in the RW jihad against the Clintons- $200 mil of spurious totally political investigations where he/she/they were cleared again and again and again... but the press DOES NOT REPORT THAT- the discredited Whitewater scandal, the discredited Benghazi scandal. After so much smoke, repeated ad naseum by the media, voters are convinced there must be fire... they don't care... they just are sick of hearing about it and turn that disgust on Hillary, not the Repub trash-mongers or the lazy shallow press. In the 90's, people were well aware of the unfairness of this RW Conspiracy, why Bill's support went up during the Impeachment, but the young are permanently contaminated and every Hater, slanderer, and dirtbag that has perpetuated these outrageous lies became ascendant- Rove, Delay, Gingrich, McConnell, now Trump. WAPO has the muckracking expose how Trump paid his own legal expenses from his Foundation. Jeff Greenfield thinks Trumps supposed surge will provoke Hispanics and the young to "get real" (sane) and turn out en masse. Again Florida + Ohio are key, and the SC ruling allowing the OH voter suppression laws was devastating.
On every talk show-radio + TV, pundits pompously intone 5 times each how they are THE MOST HATED candidates ever. OK - we get it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHUTUP! You make it self-perpetuating.
+pays $270K of his legal judgements
+bribery of Florida AG re. Trump U
+bribery of Florida AG re. Trump U

2. She has worked all her life for the poor, disadvantaged, children, women. Universal Health Care is 90% her initiative
3. Benghazi, Emails, Whitewater,even Monica are all empty fabrications that weren't criminal and had no effect on governance.
4. The polls are trash- I think they should be largely downgraded or even ignored. It's impossible Clinton is running neck in neck in Texas, and Trump is also in RI.
5. Every person who votes for (what's Allepo?) Johnson, or Stein should over the next year, when they see the monstrous lunacies and evil Trump promulgates, lock themselves in bathroom and cut their wrists. You are a threat to the Republic. I'm sure 80% of the 100K FL 2000 Nader voters feels sick about the million people they killed in Iraq. Don't make the same mistake.
Why You Shouldn't Vote for Libertarian Nominee Gary Johnson
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