Aug 9: As we dearly hop
ed the uncontrollable diarrhea mouth TPD is
self-destructing like a failing generator, casting off huge chunks of
metal that should smash other Repub Cong campaigns, maybe enough for
Dems to take back the House. If Hill plays it properly and ties his
whacko statements to the many similar hateful things prominent Repub
incumbents have said Dems have a real shot to run the table, like in
2006 (which I watched alone in a faded NH Repub mill city bar, with them
cursing + catcalling my whoops and cheers- was heading back South)-
tie TPD around their neck like an anchor: “Donald is only saying what
Repubs have always been saying... THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM,
Actually his trifecta of imbecility; the KHANNNN!! debacle, the Putin-invitation-treason, the Ukraine ignorance; have pushed Nat Repubs to the edge- if the d-bag stabs 2 more sacred cows in the next week... I think they will actually try to dump him, which may be possible:
As more and more rats head for the exits (50 foreign policy experts), Trump is looking to receive a historic shellacking- with even hard Red States like Alabama, Arizona, or Utah giving signs of voting for Hillary- at 90% Repub the incredibly RW Mormon state has a deep antipathy to the Federal Gov because of their tortured history (I profiled them + Mitt in 2012); but also are extremely sensitive to the racism, religism, and thuggism Trump has demonstrated. Because of their financial and societal success they were murdered and driven from 5 states- "The Gov of Missouri issued an order for our extermination!!", said a Mormon leader. So calls to ban + restrict religious minorities AND the virulent anti-immigrant rhetoric are deeply alarming to them- their worldwide missionary work is so successful there are more Mormons outside the US. 438 has a HRC victory at ~93%
What many people don't understand is that the Party is essentially taken over by the nominee by the convention- it doesn't exist as a separate entity- (s)he becomes the leader and rams through a Soviet purge. In my 8 hour documentary on the Hart campaign in DC, I got great footage of the campaign manager “Pudge” saying just before Super Tuesday: “When we win, the DNC must come to US, we don't go to them!” Which I thought was a little arrogant, but Hart had gotten McGovern nominated, as unlikely as Dean or Bernie. Hart won 7 out of 9 states in a great rout, if Fritz had lost Georgia (won by 2-3%), he would have withdrawn. But even then Sanderistas, the media was massively on the side of establishment candidate, and they spun it into a come-from-behind Mondale victory. Hart would have still probably lost to the (cruel) cheerful Reagan Revolution, but not by 49 states!!!
If you didn't see it, Trump's Ukraine comment was amazing- I really think he may have confused Ukraine and the Baltics- Estonia or Lithuania, although David Green tried to spin it into some kind of Jeddi master strategy, the dangerous and corrupt journo practice of balancing out candidates, as if they were both the same. This presents the illusion of fairness, and more important for ratings... keeps the game going!!!!!!!!
“He’s not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He’s not gonna go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down,” said the Great Pretender.
TPD's true calling
Crimea, the supposed offense to most of the world, is meaningless now (except to the poor tortured Tatars)- it
was surgical .... but the vicious Donbas subversion/invasion killed maybe
16,000 with the direct intercession of 10,000 Russian tanks, missile
systems, vehicles and 14,000 Russian soldier, was an unbelievably cruel
cynical attack on their “brother” (founder) Slavs. 3 friends (+
sources) and 10 acquaintances were killed there, we just had more Ukr
soldiers killed July than in any month for a year in DNR/Russian
attacks violating the Minsk “cease fire” (and the same for civilians).
And 4-5 million made refugees in the destroyed looted area ruled by
neo-Mafiya thugs.
The great RICH Frank says:
“Ryan and McConnell have set a tone — they are quislings. They missed any chance to be heroes by not repudiating Trump when it mattered, before the Republican convention. Their tone is matched by most of their peers, including the oleaginous Marco Rubio, who offered his latest profile in cowardice this week by floating the theory that Trump would grow in office once he is in the White House. We’ve actually reached the point where the Koch brothers, the rare donors who have persistently refused to lend financial support to Trump, are the moral standard-bearers of the GOP.
The fallout is: The party will be inherited by the Trump base, a.k.a. the Palin–tea party base, that has risen from the grass roots since 2008, when Obama came to power, and consolidated its power ever since.”
After Trump's mouth eruptions; Repub “establishment” figures are suicidal, mass defections expected, says VF.
Erdogan continues to annihilate anyone who has ever criticized him, rounding up, arresting, purging, imprisoning, torturing 60,000 throughout the Universities, military, Government, press, judiciary... making a sad mockery of the “Democrats” who stood up to and stopped the Coup. Note many hard-core Erdogan supporters are semi-Islamic Brah thugs, like the Revolutionary Guard in Iran. He is even crushing the media outlets that allowed him to get his msg out on Facebook Live!!! The whole country, I suspect, will have 20 years to rue their opposition to this Coup because practical Democracy is dead in Turkey.
Meanwhile, the EU must prepare for the massive flood of open visa Turks from their Hobsian deal to reabsorb migrants, many Turks + Kurds fleeing Erdogan's persecution- maybe 1-2 million quickly, which should make countries like Austria, France, Germany, Belgium shudder. Right- Erdogan is reprising the Ottoman Empire or has a new Broadway musical.
This sounded amazing too but NPR/KUOW lists everyone.
CAN'T CANCEL TRUMP-BUTIONS? GIVE TILL IT HURTS!…/08/donald-trump-campaign-donati…?
TRUMP PATH TO VICTORY NARROWING…/donald_trump_s_shrinking_electoral_m…
After the shocking cyberhacking subversion intercession of VVP into the American political race, he got just what he wanted- an open revolt by the hard-core Berniecrats at the perfidy of the DNC plotters... which they knew what was happening. Sorry folks, as nasty as it sounded, OF COURSE they would ally with their 30 years friend, standard bearer, persecuted, WH friend Hillary!! That's not corruption, that's POLITICS. But the catcalls and heckling (of Warren, military leaders, and Bernie himself!) by the West Coast contingents (Wa, Ca, Or) threatened to derail the whole purpose of the Convention- a united front.
But by the 2nd day, aided by well written speeches
honoring Bernies significant accomplishments- Hill's free college,
anti-TPP, radical DNC platform- and some great as-kickers: Cory Booker,
Joe Biden (who came out an old man and dropped 25 years by the end),
Bill's really moving love story about what an incredibly smart dedicated
hard worker HRC was from youth (like Ted Kennedy), and that MLK cadence
preacher..... the sprawling crowd (10x more journos than delegates) was
unified in the historical wonder of a WOMAN PRESIDENT, their common
goals, and the unprecedented horror of a TPD Presidency.
As the incredible RNC hatefest in Cleveland wrapped up with an unprecedented screech of gloom and doom, of fear and scapegoating, of breast beating patriotism by a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, treasonous tycoon who has overturned every iteration of the American leader, violated every standard of decency and comity, a pig who has one overriding constituent- himself. The gorgeous poised Ivanka tried to humanize her crude Pop, claiming Trump will push for equal pay for women- Huh?? Did HE pay women the same as men?? Granted he did hire women throughout his career, but if you read the story about that (Vanity Fair, New York), he did so because he believed women worked much harder than men, probably because they were easier to bully (he still was The Donald). His first ever woman construction manager, for example, never married or had a family. So his supposed egalitarianism re. women was because he wanted to exploit them.
But TPD threw it all away with one of the most xenophobic speeches I've ever heard: The wolves are at the door, he proclaimed, in the form of hoards of Hispanic rapists, Muslim terrorists, BLM assassins; when the truth is ALL crime statistics are down- big time. Only one person can deliver us from these monstrous threats- the argument of every proto-facist since the Sumerians- Donald J Trump. The Donald was the Law and Order candidate (ripped from Nixon's corpse), and the America First candidate- no word on whether the non-scholar knows or cares it was a neo-facist Nazi sympathizer coward organization in WW2. Comparisons to Mussolini and Hitler are totally apt- Trump is a violently shallow, narcissistic, demagogic compulsive liar who must constantly up the ante to keep the rubes happy, throwing more Christians to the lions. He normally planned to sue, to not pay, to cheat his investors and customers from the beginning- In dealings with foreign leaders that kind of behavior could provoke a nuclear war.
Trump's ghost (only) writer of the best selling The Art of the Deal, Tony Schwartz, ashamed and horrified at his part in creating this nightmare in tagging along with Trump for 18 months, says Trump couldn't concentrate for 10 minutes on his questions to write the book... a shallowness and emptiness he saw again and again. Of course he's been subject to repeated threats. Trump has mixed his business and political interests brazenly and corruptly, slandering a judge overseeing a suit against his sham university; and deep fund-raising and investment connections to Russia along with Manafort, his campaign manager. In fact his adulation for brutal strongman Putin, deriding of NATO, rejection of the the EU, encouragement of Brexit, makes him a full-blown security threat to the United States... even a traitor. Russian hackers hacked into the DNC oppo research on TPD and the Clinton Foundation and probably gave that purloined info to TPD- so he was conspiring with foreign espionage. Putin has managed to shatter the EU by denying any Syrian settlement and creating the torrent of refugees that caused Brexit- NOW he's trying to diddle with the American Presidential Election!!!
The first day of the RNC was indicative: delusional characters rattling off the Party line, as the Repubs head into an Armegedal election, where they will lose 95% of Black and +80% of Hispanic (rapists). Trump has converted the Repub Party into the R-racist Party. Still stunning- have to slap my head to imagine they actually nominated this crude braying pig for President- what I had prayed for a year ago (when $1 on Trump would have paid off $100 now). Once they WERE the party of Lincoln, now the Party of equal opportunity Haters- whatever minorities you are!!! Go back where you came from, even if born in the USA. Course soon their core will be decisive minorities everywhere.. and the Repubs will become obsolete. Rudy Guiliani screeched hysterically- he apparently solved the problem of extremist Islamic terrorism because he said the words!!!
I was working on my Trump imitation and realized in his callouts to the crowd that his voice was familiar- it was the voice of the ignorant rabble-rousing brutal drunk. As for his Wife's word for word rip-off of Michelle's speech, what do you expect- she is a self-starter and did it herself- where does a person go for a bigtime national speech- GOOGLE of course!!! Manafort, the sleazy advertiser for dictators, in denying it was copied, shows that he will lie almost automatically about the most minor thing. Nobody nails the Repubs horror show better than Taibbi:
-- On the primary trail we had never seen anything like him: impulsive, lewd, grandiose, disgusting, horrible, narcissistic and dangerous, but also usually unscripted and 10 seconds ahead of the news cycle.
We could never quite tell what he was: possibly the American Hitler, but just as possibly punking the whole world in the most ambitious prank/PR stunt of all time. Or maybe he was on the level, birthing a weird new rightist/populist movement, a cross of Huey Long, Pinochet and David Hasselhoff. He was probably a monster, but whatever he was, he was original.--
But there is a dark back story to Ivanka’s talents too. The apple of her father’s eye, she had maybe 4 plastic surgeries, and has the careful modulated voice of someone who has practiced and trained endlessly. Seeing that amazing picture of her caressing Donald’s face (at 15!) and Trump’s 4 or 5 (The Daily Show) video testimonials where he seems to be in physical pain that he never had sex with her, “If I wasn’t a married man!!” , it’s almost impossible to not believe that he subjected her to pressure to do it, which she apparently rejected. Her physical alterations must be considered in her desire to please and impress her powerful crude father.
And if Trump wanted sex from his daughter, he probably had an appetite for underage girls. There is serious evidence now about that in his relationship with convicted pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his famous Lolita parties and plane replete with very young girls… that Trump attended and flew on dozens of times. One 13 year old girl (then) has now sued him in New Jersey alleging he raped her at a party at Epsteins NYC townhouse. Considering Trump’s apparent vast contempt for women, this is consistent. Is this sleazy trash- Sure. But this is The Donald, who should have been shamed out of the race long long ago, and HE has called Bill Clinton a rapist and Hillary a crook! Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility with him.
Indeed, Keith Olberman applies a classic test for psychosis and insanity to Trump- guess what he finds????
BO should get on the stick and do a recess appointment of Garland TX- push the damn issue- get a decisive ruling on the criminality of ALL these voter disenfranchisement schemes and then Dems might win BOTH HOUSES!! Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I can't believe what they are doing- is helping elect Trump what they want? To destroy America? Russian hackers hacked into the DNC oppo research on TPD and the Clinton Foundation and probably gave that purloined info to TPD- so he is conspiring with foreign espionage, and to Wikileaks. I liked and voted for Bernie but OF COURSE the DNC was disparaging and plotting against him- he was an insurgent Socialist who wasn't a Democrat!!!! That's what every political org does, ally with the front runner who has 3 decades of alliances, loyalties, and friendships to call on. It's not a conspiracy, it's called politics!!!
Trump choosing Mike Pence was a stroke of genius to drive away every last woman voter- he has been a fanatic against abortion, and has warred against Planned Parenthood. He is supposed to bring along the fundamentalist base base, but is a limited guy of limited abilities- with his gleaming silver hair and silver shirt, he looked the part- very very bright!!! But he is the adult professional who is supposed to keep crazy TPD in line, and make peace with all the people he has trashed. And incidentally run domestic and foreign policy!!! WHAT???????
Progressives are supposedly disappointed in Tim Kaine, because he wasn't anti-TPP (as almost nobody was)... I thought HC would go with a Hispanic, but Kaine is the next best thing- fluent in Spanish from his Catholic mission work in Honduras, and an incredibly decent man of the people- he attends a black church, has run the swing state of Virginia, and is widely liked by most factions- perhaps his real draw, as the media pundits will never stop telling us: Hill is the most unpopular candidate ever, EXCEPT for Trump. Maybe that has something to do with 100,000 news reports about Repub fake (NON) scandals like Whitewater, Benghazi, and emails!! And the 20 reports that expose the actual results- that the Clintons have done NOTHING criminal, nothing untoward. VIDEO of Hill-Kaine in Miami
Their generalized terror against Muslims policy is crazy- but they think maximum pain for everyone will motivate more poor psycho losers into joining. I really think it's time to marshal a 100-200,000 multinational army from Europe, ME, US and exterminate ISIS- as the Frontline I saw last night says, if you want to stop these widespread attacks, go after ISIS's center of power. If the Iraq Army can do it, a coordinated worldwide response can easily do it. And do it with extreme prejudice- no prisoners- if they think such medieval butchery is neat, remove them from the ME equation forever- Al Zaqari, who essentially founded ISIS, could have been killed by the CIA BEFORE he started the Iraq Civil War (FRONTLINE says) but in another brilliant idiocy, the Bushmen, obsessed with Saddam, nixed it.
Chop up their lines of communication, pound Raqqa into a parking lot, isolate and besiege Mosul, and crush this foul manifestation of Islamic Extremism. They are spreading like cancer, and with 1.3 bill potential hosts, that's a bottomless supply, at even .01% recruits.
Course the big problem is where to stop in Syria- if Russia hadn't stuck in their dirty fingers- we could depose Assad, and install some semi-legitimate Sunni leadership, though that might make Iraq's new Gov and sectarian violence look easy. Still 1/2 mil dead and the font and example for worldwide refugee exodus. Maybe rule it by a 1-2 year Western transition Gov.
ISIS are media masters and are metastasizing throughout the world right now. Every intensive analysis says the same thing- that their legitimacy and attraction comes from their "Caliphate" which comes from their land. Take that away and their attractiveness collapses to recruits. Now they are setting up supposed ISIS provinces in Libya, Yemen, 8 other countries. I wrote a 2003 piece suggesting partitioning Iraq to prevent the looming Civil War (3 yrs later CFR head wrote similar thing in NYT + the Senate voted 80% to recommend it), discussing it back then with Sen. Jack Reed, he started talking about the "LONG WAR" with Muslim extremism (a West Point instructor, he'd voted against Invasion), and I thought Uh Oh, that could become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
We may be at that point now, where these constant attacks and depredations by MusFund's kill millions over 20-30 years- much sooner if they get their hands on a nuke or effective bioweapon, which likely will happen.
TURKEY: Police disarming rebel soldier
I find military takeovers troubling and usually ugly, like Egypt, but in Turkey they've always been a counterweight 2 religious fanaticism. Now Erdogon will crush his remaining enemies and all critics and become even more of a monster than he was- 50,000 arrested, detained, fired, purged- Turkey is slipping into the grip of a dictator- think any further elections will be really “free”? If you are going to have a Coup, who have to make it successful.
There is no way to really stop a Nice attack- if there were barriers on the waterfront, he could mow down people in the outdoor st. cafes common all over France. Will we take away all Muslim drivers licenses in Europe + USA? What is needed is a powerful deterrent to Jihaddi or mass shooting killings- maximum shame, humiliation, and desecration. Smash the perps face to a pulp and spread those photos widely. With Muslim killers, display their body publicly... naked... let the public stone them and put out those videos. Muslims are extremely prudish about nudity. Bury them with pigs- again publicly with videos- that will certainly block their 72 virgins, their supposed reward for slaughtering innocent civilians!! Arrest and deport their whole family and close friends- unfair- of course, and many of these suicidal warriors don't care about their family (but they might about their friends). Once you actually do it a few times, you could fake it as long as the potential monsters believe it. Much of this would also work with any rampage killer.
Orlando victims
Of course this is uncivilized and unconstitutional, BUT SO ARE THEY. We must be far more flexible, ruthless, and innovative and just make the cost too high to prospective killers. Liberals bear with me- this does work: shame works. In ancient Greece there was an epidemic of virgin suicides- city leaders carried the body though the city... naked. They stopped instantly. The alternative is throwing up our hands helplessly, doing nothing; and then rising rage, oppression and discrimination against Muslims, maybe even Dallas like retribution.... and then you have millions more Jihaddis. With 1.4 bil, 1/5 of the planet, converting only .01% would be 140,000. And if Muslims object to such shaming- tough, it is a Rorschatt test on their loyalties. We are reaching the point of critical mass, where these attacks will metastasize widely, maybe become daily nightmares... if we do nothing.
Another necessary element is reopening mental institutions and
involuntary commitment, until people are stable. Millions of paranoiacs and schizophrenics are running around the world- HALF of the latest shooters have been clinically delusional, including the Nice trucker, Munich shooter (4 German machete, gun, bomb attacks in the last week- two July 24-25), and the Baton Rouge sniper who changed his name to Cosmo and believed he was a TI- a targeted individual, someone targeted by the government with energy beams and followed by so-called gang-stalkers who mess up his life. These lunatics are now linking up with the Internet and reinforcing their insane delusions- the Navy Yard computer nerd shooter (12 dead) was a serious TI whacko- when you see him darting around the building with his shotgun, you realize in horror that schitzos make good killers. One group of TI's make a video plea to Obama to save them- he should: round them up and get them on the right meds- most of these things are quite treatable (see Homeland's Claire Danes for maybe best depiction of bipolar and manic/depressive illness)
The Trump racist rabble rousing has the terrible specter of racist or bigots starting a religious war with 1/5 of world. As terrible as these attacks are, they are like a mosquito bite compared to what could happen, if they keep conflating the handful of Jihaddi scum with the 1.3 billion decent Muslims, they will get the generational war they want. It worked pretty well for Al Zarkawi in Iraq, the founder of ISIS (current al-Baghdadi was his second in command), and even more brutal and apocalyptic. The next step and inevitable result in the Rump's sick hate-mongering is fatal attacks on random US Muslims or mosques. Eventually the jihaddis might get their hands on a nuke and then woe is everybody.
From my dealings with cops, I'd say more than half are bad apples, not beating or shooting or planting evidence maybe; but deeply corrupt and dishonest in constantly consistently lying- about what you did, what they think you did, what the penalty or rules are, what rights you have, etc etc. Cops are trained to always lie, to bluff, to intimidate "suspects", to ensure convictions. Over 90% of their energy is devoted to hurting you, even if you are the victim or go to them for help, both of which have happened to me. My advice to kids of any color- Never trust anything cops say, answer them briefly respectfully and SHUT UP, never get upset or angry or argue, tell them whatever they want to hear (not I HAVE A GUN!), volunteer nothing and CONSENT TO NOTHING- if they are asking, you can say NO!!!, and get away from them at the first opportunity. If you've really been the victim of a crime, report it, with the understanding that they solve very few crimes, and always carefully assessing any possible vulnerability you have, because ANYTHING will be used against you. With some rare exceptions, they are just not (in the immortal words in Serpico) "good people". It's just a dirty job, dealing with the trash of humanity, quickly, they just assume all people are trash, and treat them accordingly.
Many many police are in it for the power and thrill of constant intimidation. I've been attacked, injured, arrested by police for absolutely nothing, and I'm a polite respectful Ivy League white guy. Can't even imagine what blacks go through. Giving war vets job preference without remedial training in dealing with Citizens is terribly dangerous- they are always keyed up for war. One huge problem is car culture, where they get some sketchy radio call without pertinent details, blast out there, and explode from the car knowing nothing, but ready to do battle. Once cops were big men, tough guys, who may be brutal but had some presence and authority that let them assess situations calmly and not overreact. But many cops, particularly in these dik towns, are nerd wannabes, poorly trained, nervous, paranoid... accountants with guns... and they will kill you out of their own unjustified terror. You could hear that in the St Paul cop: POLICE PANIC- the terror that everyone is out to get you, abject fear that makes one imagine any movement is an attack or a weapon.
Militarized Cop in Missouri -
I once came across cops in Providence leading out a handcuffed black guy (maybe after some fight) and he broke away- all 4 pounced on him and started pounding him on the head with nightsticks- a sickening ring- DUNK, DUNK. I screamed at them after 15 seconds- STOP IT, YOU ARE KILLING HIM, and one looked up and screamed in complete panic: CALL THE STATION!!!! They were beating a handcuffed prisoner to death... but they were afraid! Never saw a human look so bad- he might have died anyway later.
Re. Sterling, the "homeless" guy "asking for money" at night in a slum may well have been a robber, why he felt he had to be armed. Ironic that moke gets him killed- every time a busybody neighbor calls the cops on some stupid noise complaint they might get you killed and you should make them pay. We don't know what happened- maybe he was reaching for the gun- thinking they were suffocating him like Garner. The Castille thing was just insane- his GF realizing this was her ticket to the big time in her network news report, amid her horror.
Police culture respects force, power, and violence-
so the bad cops persevere- abusive extreme or violent behavior may be
disapproved of, but no one will stop them, or report them. Snitching
just isn't done because their lives depend on their fellow cops. And
cops who use alot of force often get commendations, in fact not staying
"in charge" or "on top" of situations is a big failure and punished. One
study in SoCal showed 3% of the cops had 90% of excessive force
complaints- some had shot people 5 times, and the City had paid out
millions, but they still weren't fired (PBA rules/contracts make it difficult)!!
And the crazy totalitarian police thinking is, "If you shoot someone, be sure to kill him." That is policy and training. They shoot at the chest and shoot 4-5 times in order to make that true- likewise the unbelievable callousness about their victims, less than a dog, handcuffing and ignoring their dying victim. If the "perp" dies, he can't sue them or say what happened, and they often have a throw-down gun to fake a threat (much harder with the videos). In my very first column many decades ago when cops killed a guy armed with a tomato sauce jar (the third unarmed guy in a month), I railed against the shoot to kill policy, and said, "Surely the CIA has some weapon that can safely incapacitate a suspect." That became the Taser. Cops can kill with impunity, even now- more killed in 2015 than ever- not one convicted of manslaughter or murder. The local DA's are 97% on the cops' side- they are her/his daily allies.
I always used to get out of the car, because I know cops are shot coming up to the window, and I wanted to reassure them I was no threat. They seemed to appreciate it and relax. Also it balanced the equation with standing armed cops looming above and behind you. And removed them from snooping inside my vehicle, looking for bottles drugs, whatever. NOW they go psycho, screaming: GET BACK IN YOUR VEHICLE as if I was attacking him. That's happened 3 times, showing how wired and dangerous they are now.
Cops have long long thought of themselves as a special caste, a near holy order with the right to kill, so sure to them, citizens are just civilians and all the people they shoot by accident, mistake , or crime... just collateral damage. I'm intensely aware of that every second I deal with cops, they actually have the right to kill, like James Bond, and will almost never be punished, so SHUT UP and don't argue, no matter how in the right you are. SC Walter Scott murder -
Every state should have a Statewide shooting panel composed of lawyers judges Community leaders cops with their own prosecutor who have no connections to police being investigated. That would be a proper solution since half of all shootings by police are probably unjustified. When Cops start being punished routinely by the system, their behavior in shooting first and asking questions second will change.
In Dallas, the retaliation happen against an innocent prof. PD that apparently had taken huge strides since their cracker days and was a model for race relations. Cops might be even more jumpy and paranoid with citizens now, or maybe they will back off their reflexive brutality. After World War 2 the hundreds of thousands of black soldiers came back to be beaten, tortured, and lynched by a South that had no respect for their accomplishments or manhood.
But now, the half a million trained black vets are not as forgiving now and cops must adjust their behavior: if murders by police continue apace... murders of police might too. Copycat Effect. I heard some lowlife Police Chief Assoc mug on Fox blaming the sniper attack on Obama, cause he dared commiserate with victims of police violence. The Secret Service should put this guy in a windowless room for 48 hours since he, in this atmosphere, is directly threatening the President. assassinated Dallas cops
Regarding the MN shooting in the suburb in St. Paul, Want To Be Cops who can't make the standards of big-city police forces just keep trying and some crummy town or suburb will eventually hire them no matter how unstable or racist or troubled- 18,000 separate police forces in USA armed with billions of $ of HSA military gear- over half should be disbanded. Minneapolis has maybe 15 - 18% blacks but the rest of Minnesota is lily white (I lived there). That cop probably never dealt with a black guy and was all pumped up, excited, and frightened by it.
The latest appalling video shows crazy Miami cops hiding behind their car with a leveled assault rifle, against a black therapist on his back with his hands high in the air screaming “This man is my patient- he only has a TOY TRUCK.”, and his autistic patient playing with a toy truck, then SHOOTING him in the leg anyway, you see how out of control police are. It could be an SNL skit if it wasn't real. The moron's explanation- he was trying to shoot the autistic patient whom he thought was about to shoot the black guy... with his truck!! We need to prosecute incompetent criminal shooter cops AND the fools and liars who call the cops falsely claiming there is someone with a gun.
I think Britain leaving has the potential, with the migrant crisis, economic weakness of 4-5 EU countries, Russian embargo (cost $110 bil), closing of borders.... to be a 2008 collapse scenario. And there is NO REASON for England leaving- they will be hammered the most- maybe 10-15% drop in GDP. Cameron has been an incredible weasel , bringing this issue up on a referendum only cause of his internal party politics, then arguing against it, so he can claim to be on the right side if it proves as successful as the Chernobyl "test".
Incredibly, as they unexpectedly won, ALL the rats jumped ship, Boris, Cameron, UKKKIPs Farage, then Boris's betrayer- the Brit extremists have made leadership of the 5th biggest economy as desirable as the Repub Speakers job in USA, till an unknown woman- Teresa May took the job- my question is: Why don't they force another election?- maybe Labor could reverse this idiocy? Then she picks Boris the Twit as Foreign Minister to deal with the Euros that he has just trashed??????
There were a huge amount of lies, from Boris the Surfer driving around with a bus that tripled the amount sent to the EU (which England will pay 3 times more in collapsed trade and economy), to yellow press showing the teaming hoards of immigrants, to the insane idea that everything would be just fine and dandy after smashing a half century economic union rather than an economic collapse rivaling 2008. How they could have done this titanic vote on a simple majority is incomprehensible (thank you Cameron). Plus this rewards and encourages racist nationalists like UKKKIP worldwide (and Putin for his murderous tendencies)- all in all, a completely unnecessary disaster.
I bet if the Brits could do this again, they'd vote 55-60% to stay. Puta is rubbing his hands with glee- Sanction ME, will you???
But this is the future with hundred of millions or billions of starving climate refugees coming.... soon. Then all European borders will look like East Germany's.
Boris Johnson's reaction to his stunning "victory" as he scurried for a dark place to hide- absolutely hilarious.
TO THE KING, ALICE: After a generation since the last spacecraft, the solar-powered JUNO (wife of Jupiter/Zeus) spacecraft should whip into a highly elliptical polar orbit midnight EDT around the gas giant KING of the Solar System that zips through near encounters in a hole in the violent radiation belts- Jupiter emits much more power than it receives from the sun and with 10 times more mass- it could have ignited into a sun. Juno is the fastest spacecraft ever 135K mps and must fire retrorocket 35 minutes to be captured- the polar orbit should let it overfly every spot on Jupiter. The only other Jupiter orbiter, the 1995-2003 Galileo was crippled by the failure to open of it's main dish antenna and had to send everything back 1800x slower. Because of the killing radiation, they hope to only get 37 orbits of very close passes at 2700 miles, which for the immense gas giant is within a whisker- the whole rest of Solar System or 1000 Earths could fit inside it- next time you see it's largest planetary ball in the sky (except for Venus), think about that it's 4-7 times farther than the Sun!! JUNO should investigate the Neptune sized auroras, the composition of the 1000 mile atmosphere at different heights (getting thicker + thicker- "no surface" on Jove); detailed radio and radiation emissions, and whether there is a solid core. To coin a phrase: "We Bring You the Worlds" - 3000 exoplanets discovered now by the Keppler spacecraft, inc some Earth sized Goldilocks ones!!
1 hour JUNO doc:
For those fascinated by Space, here's an obscure but good weekly podcast about Astronomy and Space Missions- put together by the Orlando NPR station.
Rather than wildly expensive one-shot Missions to Mars, I've been advocating for a LUNAR BASE- to work on water- hydrogen oxygen hydroponic/fuel/air self-sustainability, low gravity construction of Interplanetary spacecraft, spectacular telescope site, Moon-mining, etc etc. That is the obvious next step and will fuel all sectors of space exploration rather than one-of spectaculars that must compete with the coming AGW catastrophes. I met Jim Lovell and can't believe we never went back to the Moon in a half century- watch, we WILL, when the Chinese land a man on it and claim it for the People's Republic, like they have with the entire Western Pacific Ocean. Even India has orbited an astronaut. And despite the forward march of the private Musk/Bezos space cos, I still think the first fatality on their cost-conscious rockets will tend to cripple private launches.
am thrilled Congress has demanded a Europa mission by 2022, Europa has a
60 mile deep ocean, so HAS TO HAVE life, I'm convinced. Everywhere
there is water on Earth there is life, and Europa has the same hot
smokers blasting out hot chemical stew at the bottom of the ocean...
where they now think life originated on Earth. I want to see that before
I'm gone: extraterrestrial LIFE, which will put our petty brutality in
scale- the absolute stupidity and absurdity of it. The genius Arthur C
Clarke, who invented communication satellites in 1949, knew in the 60's,
when it was a dot, that Europa was really really special. In '81 I got
to see the unreleased raw Voyager pics of these new worlds from Jupiter-
the greatest thrill of my life. Let ALL mankind go to Europa!!

Actually his trifecta of imbecility; the KHANNNN!! debacle, the Putin-invitation-treason, the Ukraine ignorance; have pushed Nat Repubs to the edge- if the d-bag stabs 2 more sacred cows in the next week... I think they will actually try to dump him, which may be possible:
As more and more rats head for the exits (50 foreign policy experts), Trump is looking to receive a historic shellacking- with even hard Red States like Alabama, Arizona, or Utah giving signs of voting for Hillary- at 90% Repub the incredibly RW Mormon state has a deep antipathy to the Federal Gov because of their tortured history (I profiled them + Mitt in 2012); but also are extremely sensitive to the racism, religism, and thuggism Trump has demonstrated. Because of their financial and societal success they were murdered and driven from 5 states- "The Gov of Missouri issued an order for our extermination!!", said a Mormon leader. So calls to ban + restrict religious minorities AND the virulent anti-immigrant rhetoric are deeply alarming to them- their worldwide missionary work is so successful there are more Mormons outside the US. 438 has a HRC victory at ~93%
What many people don't understand is that the Party is essentially taken over by the nominee by the convention- it doesn't exist as a separate entity- (s)he becomes the leader and rams through a Soviet purge. In my 8 hour documentary on the Hart campaign in DC, I got great footage of the campaign manager “Pudge” saying just before Super Tuesday: “When we win, the DNC must come to US, we don't go to them!” Which I thought was a little arrogant, but Hart had gotten McGovern nominated, as unlikely as Dean or Bernie. Hart won 7 out of 9 states in a great rout, if Fritz had lost Georgia (won by 2-3%), he would have withdrawn. But even then Sanderistas, the media was massively on the side of establishment candidate, and they spun it into a come-from-behind Mondale victory. Hart would have still probably lost to the (cruel) cheerful Reagan Revolution, but not by 49 states!!!
If you didn't see it, Trump's Ukraine comment was amazing- I really think he may have confused Ukraine and the Baltics- Estonia or Lithuania, although David Green tried to spin it into some kind of Jeddi master strategy, the dangerous and corrupt journo practice of balancing out candidates, as if they were both the same. This presents the illusion of fairness, and more important for ratings... keeps the game going!!!!!!!!
“He’s not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He’s not gonna go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down,” said the Great Pretender.
TPD's true calling

The great RICH Frank says:
“Ryan and McConnell have set a tone — they are quislings. They missed any chance to be heroes by not repudiating Trump when it mattered, before the Republican convention. Their tone is matched by most of their peers, including the oleaginous Marco Rubio, who offered his latest profile in cowardice this week by floating the theory that Trump would grow in office once he is in the White House. We’ve actually reached the point where the Koch brothers, the rare donors who have persistently refused to lend financial support to Trump, are the moral standard-bearers of the GOP.
The fallout is: The party will be inherited by the Trump base, a.k.a. the Palin–tea party base, that has risen from the grass roots since 2008, when Obama came to power, and consolidated its power ever since.”
After Trump's mouth eruptions; Repub “establishment” figures are suicidal, mass defections expected, says VF.
Erdogan continues to annihilate anyone who has ever criticized him, rounding up, arresting, purging, imprisoning, torturing 60,000 throughout the Universities, military, Government, press, judiciary... making a sad mockery of the “Democrats” who stood up to and stopped the Coup. Note many hard-core Erdogan supporters are semi-Islamic Brah thugs, like the Revolutionary Guard in Iran. He is even crushing the media outlets that allowed him to get his msg out on Facebook Live!!! The whole country, I suspect, will have 20 years to rue their opposition to this Coup because practical Democracy is dead in Turkey.
Meanwhile, the EU must prepare for the massive flood of open visa Turks from their Hobsian deal to reabsorb migrants, many Turks + Kurds fleeing Erdogan's persecution- maybe 1-2 million quickly, which should make countries like Austria, France, Germany, Belgium shudder. Right- Erdogan is reprising the Ottoman Empire or has a new Broadway musical.
This sounded amazing too but NPR/KUOW lists everyone.
CAN'T CANCEL TRUMP-BUTIONS? GIVE TILL IT HURTS!…/08/donald-trump-campaign-donati…?
TRUMP PATH TO VICTORY NARROWING…/donald_trump_s_shrinking_electoral_m…

After the shocking cyberhacking subversion intercession of VVP into the American political race, he got just what he wanted- an open revolt by the hard-core Berniecrats at the perfidy of the DNC plotters... which they knew what was happening. Sorry folks, as nasty as it sounded, OF COURSE they would ally with their 30 years friend, standard bearer, persecuted, WH friend Hillary!! That's not corruption, that's POLITICS. But the catcalls and heckling (of Warren, military leaders, and Bernie himself!) by the West Coast contingents (Wa, Ca, Or) threatened to derail the whole purpose of the Convention- a united front.

As the incredible RNC hatefest in Cleveland wrapped up with an unprecedented screech of gloom and doom, of fear and scapegoating, of breast beating patriotism by a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, treasonous tycoon who has overturned every iteration of the American leader, violated every standard of decency and comity, a pig who has one overriding constituent- himself. The gorgeous poised Ivanka tried to humanize her crude Pop, claiming Trump will push for equal pay for women- Huh?? Did HE pay women the same as men?? Granted he did hire women throughout his career, but if you read the story about that (Vanity Fair, New York), he did so because he believed women worked much harder than men, probably because they were easier to bully (he still was The Donald). His first ever woman construction manager, for example, never married or had a family. So his supposed egalitarianism re. women was because he wanted to exploit them.
But TPD threw it all away with one of the most xenophobic speeches I've ever heard: The wolves are at the door, he proclaimed, in the form of hoards of Hispanic rapists, Muslim terrorists, BLM assassins; when the truth is ALL crime statistics are down- big time. Only one person can deliver us from these monstrous threats- the argument of every proto-facist since the Sumerians- Donald J Trump. The Donald was the Law and Order candidate (ripped from Nixon's corpse), and the America First candidate- no word on whether the non-scholar knows or cares it was a neo-facist Nazi sympathizer coward organization in WW2. Comparisons to Mussolini and Hitler are totally apt- Trump is a violently shallow, narcissistic, demagogic compulsive liar who must constantly up the ante to keep the rubes happy, throwing more Christians to the lions. He normally planned to sue, to not pay, to cheat his investors and customers from the beginning- In dealings with foreign leaders that kind of behavior could provoke a nuclear war.

I was working on my Trump imitation and realized in his callouts to the crowd that his voice was familiar- it was the voice of the ignorant rabble-rousing brutal drunk. As for his Wife's word for word rip-off of Michelle's speech, what do you expect- she is a self-starter and did it herself- where does a person go for a bigtime national speech- GOOGLE of course!!! Manafort, the sleazy advertiser for dictators, in denying it was copied, shows that he will lie almost automatically about the most minor thing. Nobody nails the Repubs horror show better than Taibbi:
-- On the primary trail we had never seen anything like him: impulsive, lewd, grandiose, disgusting, horrible, narcissistic and dangerous, but also usually unscripted and 10 seconds ahead of the news cycle.
We could never quite tell what he was: possibly the American Hitler, but just as possibly punking the whole world in the most ambitious prank/PR stunt of all time. Or maybe he was on the level, birthing a weird new rightist/populist movement, a cross of Huey Long, Pinochet and David Hasselhoff. He was probably a monster, but whatever he was, he was original.--
But there is a dark back story to Ivanka’s talents too. The apple of her father’s eye, she had maybe 4 plastic surgeries, and has the careful modulated voice of someone who has practiced and trained endlessly. Seeing that amazing picture of her caressing Donald’s face (at 15!) and Trump’s 4 or 5 (The Daily Show) video testimonials where he seems to be in physical pain that he never had sex with her, “If I wasn’t a married man!!” , it’s almost impossible to not believe that he subjected her to pressure to do it, which she apparently rejected. Her physical alterations must be considered in her desire to please and impress her powerful crude father.
And if Trump wanted sex from his daughter, he probably had an appetite for underage girls. There is serious evidence now about that in his relationship with convicted pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his famous Lolita parties and plane replete with very young girls… that Trump attended and flew on dozens of times. One 13 year old girl (then) has now sued him in New Jersey alleging he raped her at a party at Epsteins NYC townhouse. Considering Trump’s apparent vast contempt for women, this is consistent. Is this sleazy trash- Sure. But this is The Donald, who should have been shamed out of the race long long ago, and HE has called Bill Clinton a rapist and Hillary a crook! Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility with him.
Indeed, Keith Olberman applies a classic test for psychosis and insanity to Trump- guess what he finds????
BO should get on the stick and do a recess appointment of Garland TX- push the damn issue- get a decisive ruling on the criminality of ALL these voter disenfranchisement schemes and then Dems might win BOTH HOUSES!! Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I can't believe what they are doing- is helping elect Trump what they want? To destroy America? Russian hackers hacked into the DNC oppo research on TPD and the Clinton Foundation and probably gave that purloined info to TPD- so he is conspiring with foreign espionage, and to Wikileaks. I liked and voted for Bernie but OF COURSE the DNC was disparaging and plotting against him- he was an insurgent Socialist who wasn't a Democrat!!!! That's what every political org does, ally with the front runner who has 3 decades of alliances, loyalties, and friendships to call on. It's not a conspiracy, it's called politics!!!

Progressives are supposedly disappointed in Tim Kaine, because he wasn't anti-TPP (as almost nobody was)... I thought HC would go with a Hispanic, but Kaine is the next best thing- fluent in Spanish from his Catholic mission work in Honduras, and an incredibly decent man of the people- he attends a black church, has run the swing state of Virginia, and is widely liked by most factions- perhaps his real draw, as the media pundits will never stop telling us: Hill is the most unpopular candidate ever, EXCEPT for Trump. Maybe that has something to do with 100,000 news reports about Repub fake (NON) scandals like Whitewater, Benghazi, and emails!! And the 20 reports that expose the actual results- that the Clintons have done NOTHING criminal, nothing untoward. VIDEO of Hill-Kaine in Miami
Their generalized terror against Muslims policy is crazy- but they think maximum pain for everyone will motivate more poor psycho losers into joining. I really think it's time to marshal a 100-200,000 multinational army from Europe, ME, US and exterminate ISIS- as the Frontline I saw last night says, if you want to stop these widespread attacks, go after ISIS's center of power. If the Iraq Army can do it, a coordinated worldwide response can easily do it. And do it with extreme prejudice- no prisoners- if they think such medieval butchery is neat, remove them from the ME equation forever- Al Zaqari, who essentially founded ISIS, could have been killed by the CIA BEFORE he started the Iraq Civil War (FRONTLINE says) but in another brilliant idiocy, the Bushmen, obsessed with Saddam, nixed it.
Chop up their lines of communication, pound Raqqa into a parking lot, isolate and besiege Mosul, and crush this foul manifestation of Islamic Extremism. They are spreading like cancer, and with 1.3 bill potential hosts, that's a bottomless supply, at even .01% recruits.
Course the big problem is where to stop in Syria- if Russia hadn't stuck in their dirty fingers- we could depose Assad, and install some semi-legitimate Sunni leadership, though that might make Iraq's new Gov and sectarian violence look easy. Still 1/2 mil dead and the font and example for worldwide refugee exodus. Maybe rule it by a 1-2 year Western transition Gov.
ISIS are media masters and are metastasizing throughout the world right now. Every intensive analysis says the same thing- that their legitimacy and attraction comes from their "Caliphate" which comes from their land. Take that away and their attractiveness collapses to recruits. Now they are setting up supposed ISIS provinces in Libya, Yemen, 8 other countries. I wrote a 2003 piece suggesting partitioning Iraq to prevent the looming Civil War (3 yrs later CFR head wrote similar thing in NYT + the Senate voted 80% to recommend it), discussing it back then with Sen. Jack Reed, he started talking about the "LONG WAR" with Muslim extremism (a West Point instructor, he'd voted against Invasion), and I thought Uh Oh, that could become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
We may be at that point now, where these constant attacks and depredations by MusFund's kill millions over 20-30 years- much sooner if they get their hands on a nuke or effective bioweapon, which likely will happen.
TURKEY: Police disarming rebel soldier
I find military takeovers troubling and usually ugly, like Egypt, but in Turkey they've always been a counterweight 2 religious fanaticism. Now Erdogon will crush his remaining enemies and all critics and become even more of a monster than he was- 50,000 arrested, detained, fired, purged- Turkey is slipping into the grip of a dictator- think any further elections will be really “free”? If you are going to have a Coup, who have to make it successful.

Orlando victims
Of course this is uncivilized and unconstitutional, BUT SO ARE THEY. We must be far more flexible, ruthless, and innovative and just make the cost too high to prospective killers. Liberals bear with me- this does work: shame works. In ancient Greece there was an epidemic of virgin suicides- city leaders carried the body though the city... naked. They stopped instantly. The alternative is throwing up our hands helplessly, doing nothing; and then rising rage, oppression and discrimination against Muslims, maybe even Dallas like retribution.... and then you have millions more Jihaddis. With 1.4 bil, 1/5 of the planet, converting only .01% would be 140,000. And if Muslims object to such shaming- tough, it is a Rorschatt test on their loyalties. We are reaching the point of critical mass, where these attacks will metastasize widely, maybe become daily nightmares... if we do nothing.
Another necessary element is reopening mental institutions and
involuntary commitment, until people are stable. Millions of paranoiacs and schizophrenics are running around the world- HALF of the latest shooters have been clinically delusional, including the Nice trucker, Munich shooter (4 German machete, gun, bomb attacks in the last week- two July 24-25), and the Baton Rouge sniper who changed his name to Cosmo and believed he was a TI- a targeted individual, someone targeted by the government with energy beams and followed by so-called gang-stalkers who mess up his life. These lunatics are now linking up with the Internet and reinforcing their insane delusions- the Navy Yard computer nerd shooter (12 dead) was a serious TI whacko- when you see him darting around the building with his shotgun, you realize in horror that schitzos make good killers. One group of TI's make a video plea to Obama to save them- he should: round them up and get them on the right meds- most of these things are quite treatable (see Homeland's Claire Danes for maybe best depiction of bipolar and manic/depressive illness)
The Trump racist rabble rousing has the terrible specter of racist or bigots starting a religious war with 1/5 of world. As terrible as these attacks are, they are like a mosquito bite compared to what could happen, if they keep conflating the handful of Jihaddi scum with the 1.3 billion decent Muslims, they will get the generational war they want. It worked pretty well for Al Zarkawi in Iraq, the founder of ISIS (current al-Baghdadi was his second in command), and even more brutal and apocalyptic. The next step and inevitable result in the Rump's sick hate-mongering is fatal attacks on random US Muslims or mosques. Eventually the jihaddis might get their hands on a nuke and then woe is everybody.
From my dealings with cops, I'd say more than half are bad apples, not beating or shooting or planting evidence maybe; but deeply corrupt and dishonest in constantly consistently lying- about what you did, what they think you did, what the penalty or rules are, what rights you have, etc etc. Cops are trained to always lie, to bluff, to intimidate "suspects", to ensure convictions. Over 90% of their energy is devoted to hurting you, even if you are the victim or go to them for help, both of which have happened to me. My advice to kids of any color- Never trust anything cops say, answer them briefly respectfully and SHUT UP, never get upset or angry or argue, tell them whatever they want to hear (not I HAVE A GUN!), volunteer nothing and CONSENT TO NOTHING- if they are asking, you can say NO!!!, and get away from them at the first opportunity. If you've really been the victim of a crime, report it, with the understanding that they solve very few crimes, and always carefully assessing any possible vulnerability you have, because ANYTHING will be used against you. With some rare exceptions, they are just not (in the immortal words in Serpico) "good people". It's just a dirty job, dealing with the trash of humanity, quickly, they just assume all people are trash, and treat them accordingly.

Militarized Cop in Missouri -
I once came across cops in Providence leading out a handcuffed black guy (maybe after some fight) and he broke away- all 4 pounced on him and started pounding him on the head with nightsticks- a sickening ring- DUNK, DUNK. I screamed at them after 15 seconds- STOP IT, YOU ARE KILLING HIM, and one looked up and screamed in complete panic: CALL THE STATION!!!! They were beating a handcuffed prisoner to death... but they were afraid! Never saw a human look so bad- he might have died anyway later.

And the crazy totalitarian police thinking is, "If you shoot someone, be sure to kill him." That is policy and training. They shoot at the chest and shoot 4-5 times in order to make that true- likewise the unbelievable callousness about their victims, less than a dog, handcuffing and ignoring their dying victim. If the "perp" dies, he can't sue them or say what happened, and they often have a throw-down gun to fake a threat (much harder with the videos). In my very first column many decades ago when cops killed a guy armed with a tomato sauce jar (the third unarmed guy in a month), I railed against the shoot to kill policy, and said, "Surely the CIA has some weapon that can safely incapacitate a suspect." That became the Taser. Cops can kill with impunity, even now- more killed in 2015 than ever- not one convicted of manslaughter or murder. The local DA's are 97% on the cops' side- they are her/his daily allies.
I always used to get out of the car, because I know cops are shot coming up to the window, and I wanted to reassure them I was no threat. They seemed to appreciate it and relax. Also it balanced the equation with standing armed cops looming above and behind you. And removed them from snooping inside my vehicle, looking for bottles drugs, whatever. NOW they go psycho, screaming: GET BACK IN YOUR VEHICLE as if I was attacking him. That's happened 3 times, showing how wired and dangerous they are now.
Cops have long long thought of themselves as a special caste, a near holy order with the right to kill, so sure to them, citizens are just civilians and all the people they shoot by accident, mistake , or crime... just collateral damage. I'm intensely aware of that every second I deal with cops, they actually have the right to kill, like James Bond, and will almost never be punished, so SHUT UP and don't argue, no matter how in the right you are. SC Walter Scott murder -
Every state should have a Statewide shooting panel composed of lawyers judges Community leaders cops with their own prosecutor who have no connections to police being investigated. That would be a proper solution since half of all shootings by police are probably unjustified. When Cops start being punished routinely by the system, their behavior in shooting first and asking questions second will change.
In Dallas, the retaliation happen against an innocent prof. PD that apparently had taken huge strides since their cracker days and was a model for race relations. Cops might be even more jumpy and paranoid with citizens now, or maybe they will back off their reflexive brutality. After World War 2 the hundreds of thousands of black soldiers came back to be beaten, tortured, and lynched by a South that had no respect for their accomplishments or manhood.
But now, the half a million trained black vets are not as forgiving now and cops must adjust their behavior: if murders by police continue apace... murders of police might too. Copycat Effect. I heard some lowlife Police Chief Assoc mug on Fox blaming the sniper attack on Obama, cause he dared commiserate with victims of police violence. The Secret Service should put this guy in a windowless room for 48 hours since he, in this atmosphere, is directly threatening the President. assassinated Dallas cops
Regarding the MN shooting in the suburb in St. Paul, Want To Be Cops who can't make the standards of big-city police forces just keep trying and some crummy town or suburb will eventually hire them no matter how unstable or racist or troubled- 18,000 separate police forces in USA armed with billions of $ of HSA military gear- over half should be disbanded. Minneapolis has maybe 15 - 18% blacks but the rest of Minnesota is lily white (I lived there). That cop probably never dealt with a black guy and was all pumped up, excited, and frightened by it.
The latest appalling video shows crazy Miami cops hiding behind their car with a leveled assault rifle, against a black therapist on his back with his hands high in the air screaming “This man is my patient- he only has a TOY TRUCK.”, and his autistic patient playing with a toy truck, then SHOOTING him in the leg anyway, you see how out of control police are. It could be an SNL skit if it wasn't real. The moron's explanation- he was trying to shoot the autistic patient whom he thought was about to shoot the black guy... with his truck!! We need to prosecute incompetent criminal shooter cops AND the fools and liars who call the cops falsely claiming there is someone with a gun.
I think Britain leaving has the potential, with the migrant crisis, economic weakness of 4-5 EU countries, Russian embargo (cost $110 bil), closing of borders.... to be a 2008 collapse scenario. And there is NO REASON for England leaving- they will be hammered the most- maybe 10-15% drop in GDP. Cameron has been an incredible weasel , bringing this issue up on a referendum only cause of his internal party politics, then arguing against it, so he can claim to be on the right side if it proves as successful as the Chernobyl "test".
Incredibly, as they unexpectedly won, ALL the rats jumped ship, Boris, Cameron, UKKKIPs Farage, then Boris's betrayer- the Brit extremists have made leadership of the 5th biggest economy as desirable as the Repub Speakers job in USA, till an unknown woman- Teresa May took the job- my question is: Why don't they force another election?- maybe Labor could reverse this idiocy? Then she picks Boris the Twit as Foreign Minister to deal with the Euros that he has just trashed??????
There were a huge amount of lies, from Boris the Surfer driving around with a bus that tripled the amount sent to the EU (which England will pay 3 times more in collapsed trade and economy), to yellow press showing the teaming hoards of immigrants, to the insane idea that everything would be just fine and dandy after smashing a half century economic union rather than an economic collapse rivaling 2008. How they could have done this titanic vote on a simple majority is incomprehensible (thank you Cameron). Plus this rewards and encourages racist nationalists like UKKKIP worldwide (and Putin for his murderous tendencies)- all in all, a completely unnecessary disaster.
I bet if the Brits could do this again, they'd vote 55-60% to stay. Puta is rubbing his hands with glee- Sanction ME, will you???
But this is the future with hundred of millions or billions of starving climate refugees coming.... soon. Then all European borders will look like East Germany's.
Boris Johnson's reaction to his stunning "victory" as he scurried for a dark place to hide- absolutely hilarious.
TO THE KING, ALICE: After a generation since the last spacecraft, the solar-powered JUNO (wife of Jupiter/Zeus) spacecraft should whip into a highly elliptical polar orbit midnight EDT around the gas giant KING of the Solar System that zips through near encounters in a hole in the violent radiation belts- Jupiter emits much more power than it receives from the sun and with 10 times more mass- it could have ignited into a sun. Juno is the fastest spacecraft ever 135K mps and must fire retrorocket 35 minutes to be captured- the polar orbit should let it overfly every spot on Jupiter. The only other Jupiter orbiter, the 1995-2003 Galileo was crippled by the failure to open of it's main dish antenna and had to send everything back 1800x slower. Because of the killing radiation, they hope to only get 37 orbits of very close passes at 2700 miles, which for the immense gas giant is within a whisker- the whole rest of Solar System or 1000 Earths could fit inside it- next time you see it's largest planetary ball in the sky (except for Venus), think about that it's 4-7 times farther than the Sun!! JUNO should investigate the Neptune sized auroras, the composition of the 1000 mile atmosphere at different heights (getting thicker + thicker- "no surface" on Jove); detailed radio and radiation emissions, and whether there is a solid core. To coin a phrase: "We Bring You the Worlds" - 3000 exoplanets discovered now by the Keppler spacecraft, inc some Earth sized Goldilocks ones!!
1 hour JUNO doc:
For those fascinated by Space, here's an obscure but good weekly podcast about Astronomy and Space Missions- put together by the Orlando NPR station.
Rather than wildly expensive one-shot Missions to Mars, I've been advocating for a LUNAR BASE- to work on water- hydrogen oxygen hydroponic/fuel/air self-sustainability, low gravity construction of Interplanetary spacecraft, spectacular telescope site, Moon-mining, etc etc. That is the obvious next step and will fuel all sectors of space exploration rather than one-of spectaculars that must compete with the coming AGW catastrophes. I met Jim Lovell and can't believe we never went back to the Moon in a half century- watch, we WILL, when the Chinese land a man on it and claim it for the People's Republic, like they have with the entire Western Pacific Ocean. Even India has orbited an astronaut. And despite the forward march of the private Musk/Bezos space cos, I still think the first fatality on their cost-conscious rockets will tend to cripple private launches.
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