Operatic Wagner head Progozhin has jumped the shark, attacking Rus Southern Command HQ in Rostov, with possible support of others, after claiming a rocket attack on his troops by the RF Army, and calling for the deposing of DM Shoigu, and Army head Gerasimov. Now the following is looking quite prescient- Prigo will appear in prof AI videos (not so prof), his jet will bop around the FSU, and some carefully trained double will wave at people, but the real guy may already be toast. Once his Opera men have been dispersed, the sham may end. Horrible fuzzy video of speech to his men could have been anyone. UH HUH, AM I BAD?- Aug 24
by Michael Hammerschlag
Jun 28
1) He Betrayed Papa Putin, who values loyalty above all else (what fishing buddy + martinet DM Shoigu gives him)2) Prigo has done the most Inexcusable thing... become much more popular than Putin, as his rock star reception in Rostov showed- Crazy thing is, save a few pilots + elements in Voronezh, NOBODY stood up to stop them, or defend Putin- after 23 years of playing everyone off against each other + bleeding Oligarchs, he is NOT LOVED. Even a ghoulish crude convict is regarded as a savior!
3) My guess is he called pal Putin and said, "This is just a demo Coup, and we're going to turn around"; and gangster Vlad Vlad said: "Get out of Russia or I'll have you whacked." They like each other, these Vory, and Wagner has been the only military success story in Russia...
4) but his worst "crime" is telling the truth about the monstrous lies Putin used to justify war, that there were Nzis in Ukraine, + West was behind conflict, instead of being a sick 3 decade Imperial obsession to subjugate Ukraine. Russians rot in prison just for calling this War a... WAR! As if Colin Powell had exposed the faked evidence of Saddam WMD at the UN.
5) Maybe 35,000 Rus dead, or +2x US total real cumulative Deaths (40% contractors) in 20 years of Iraq + Afghanistan in only 1 year. 3x official Rus Aghan War toll! That's huge. Putin kept Invasion secret from even Officers, soldiers had no Maps, Ukrs changed all the street signs, amazing incompetence. Ukraine is lucky Biden yapped about Invasion so loudly! Zelly (and I) didn't believe it till few days before. BBC says 25k w hand count, always less than actual because of unidentified, burned, + mixed remains.
6) Convicts are the ultimate cannon fodder, but Prigo is 1st Rus Commander EVER to ostensibly give a crap about deaths of his troops- that's why soldiers + people follow him. Russian soldiers have been used like farm animals for 500 yrs, part of the horror in Bakhmut + Stalingrad7) This battle of snakes will end w death of Prigozhin or sacking of DM Shoigu... or both! Great, the CIA should have dispatched this evil... Chef ages ago for installing Red Donald with his Internet Research Agency. Ukraine would've held the election again- in fact, they DID! Most successful intel op in history!
8) Integration into the MoD is death for Wagner, literally in some cases. Regular soldiers hate them, for their big pay, for freedom, for exemption from rote + torture, for Prigo's vicious attacks on Army, for better PR, for being CONVICTS! Why Prigo did his Revolt, it was demanded they be split up. Wagner only works as a separate org!
9) I believe the Army WAS starving Wagner of ammo, shelling them
, what will happen when they are separated, alone? In Africa, they may continue their operations, maybe some will be sent there; but Prigo will be disappeared, his financial empire carved up (bils $) like any "critic" of the Little Big Man. Putin is torn over this- Wagner has been only effective Rus fighters, are obviously popular, and Puta needs them. Plus as a real gangster, he likes Prigo. But retreating to his Estate, no reaction, no good defense, stunning gains of Prigo.. made him LOOK WEAK.10) Prigo killed at least a dozen crew in 4 helicopters and 2 planes (and unknown #'s in Voronezh). Yes, they were attacked, but their duty was to die!
11) so PRIGO MUST DIE, probably be disappeared off the face of the Earth to avoid provoking his Men, still carrying the flag, and raking in the gold, metals, + gems in 4 Africa nations. He stood down after getting 70% of way to Moscow when the FSB/GRU threatened his family- who also flew to Belarus for what looks like a (very) permanent exile. Too bad, but Putin will pay ultimately- many shark smell blood in the water.
LOST DEEP-SEA SUBMERSIBLE updated June 23 12:45apm EDT
All Dead instantly WRECKAGE DISCOVERED 1600 ft from Titanic at 9am! 1st EVER submersible loss
6/22 7am Canadian P3 Orion surveillance aircraft HEARS NOISES
- banging CNN -exc (via dropped audio/sonar buoys!) every 30 minutes over 4 hours, meaning IT IS NOT FLOODED!
Since there is no more news, it's probable banging was from many search vessels
~5 with 7 more coming, + 2 ROVs; maybe like too many cops contaminating the crime scene.
6/23 12:30am
Apparently the NAVY heard the very distinctive sharp sound of the total implosion of the craft just before the total loss of communications, and decided to suppress that news, cruel and inexplicable- causing massive wasted efforts to detect sounds from the crew (news released about 1pm) James Cameron says that carbon fiber is a
totally inappropriate material for external pressure, but good for internal, the opposite of what I thought, usually outside compression increases the strength and stability of spherical craft, but (as I say below), carbon composite develops invisible fractures and progressively gets weaker and weaker- it's incredibly light and strong.. initially, extremely attractive to aircraft designers. Cameron descended 33x to the Titanic for his opus movie in
Russian Mirs (
Peace or
World- 20,000 ft limit), Russians eschewed exotic titanium, vanadium, + carbon for high-strength cobalt steel in their spacecraft and submersibles, MUCH more durable and tolerant of impacts. I have a picture book of Cameron's Titanic pics on dinner table. They
did have an enclosed separate independently-powered location transponder, said Cameron, when that failed simultaneously with the USBL location/message system, he knew they were gone - Cameron
built his own ultra-deep 1-man submersible to successfully go to the
Challenger Deep, the bottom of the World. Only 10 subs can even reach the Titanic. A Stockton pal who dived in it and
heard cracking noises (Jul 18), called it a "Mousetrap for billionaires", and the fired
chief pilot warned Stockton it was a dangerous lemon in 2018!
At least their end was instant, like being at the center of a circular explosion (like a plutonium bomb-debris moving at +1000 mph), they didn't suffer, and they went out heroic explorers. Cameron said they had some warning- creaking or cracking delamination noises, and tried to drop their sled (platform), but the End came too fast, sadly 10-30 seconds faster and they might have survived, surfacing is fast and the stresses immediately reduced. Every dive they made reduced that crush depth, already too close to Titanic depth.
6/22 7am The probable loss of the TITAN Titanic exploring submersible illustrates the spectacular danger of deep sea exploration, much much more hostile than even the vacuum and temp extremes of Space- at the Titanic depth of 12,600 ft (381 ATM, or 381 x sea level), every sq inch of the subs surface has the weight of a Humvee on it -5600 lbs, 806K lbs/ sq ft, maybe 140 mil lbs on the vehicle!
Besides using a regular game controller as the one propulsion controller, the high-tech carbon-fiber shell sub allegedly has 7 redundant surfacing systems, dropable lead ballast, air ballast tanks, inflatable collars, dropable platform, including some that drop by a "dead mans switch" (soluble cables), yet there isn't one word about them on
the SPEC SHEET - if I were going down, that is what I want to see! I tried to join
Robt Ballard's deep sea team at their NASA-like HQ at URI Oceanographic Ins., at the time they were running a rover at the bottom of the Black Sea exploring a perfect Phoenician ship from ~500 AD (which has the greatest wealth of perfect ancient wood shipwrecks in the world, because of anoxic conditions below 500 ft- maybe 15,000 years!) on the Big Screen. In another lecture in New London, he said that in the nutrient starved deep Deep,
even the Titanic bones dissolve, leaving ghostly clothes + shoes laid out in the shape of a person on the floor, untouched as a live gravesite- he discovered the luxury liner after the Navy first forced him to dive both our lost nuclear subs (
only they knew where the Titanic was and he was retired Navy!). He also said it is the calmest place on the planet- a shallow trench he dug with the sub arm was unchanged 7 years later!
Hamish Harding, Shahzada Dawood, Paul-Henri Nargeolet and Stockton Rush
They say it might have already surfaced, but seemingly they don't have any kind of radio beacon (wrong), utterly inexplicable. To solve the weak link of a hatch, they simply bolt it down like the pre-Apollo-fire capsule with 18 bolts, from the outside. This could lead to the absolute horror of the passengers suffocating while bobbing on the surface, cause they have
NO way of opening that hatch- and perhaps no external ventilation system (another possible weak link to pressure).
There is no way they should be searching a Conn-sized area (now
double that!), they know where it went down and where the Titanic is, that should be a 10 x 10 mile area at most, they reached perhaps 11,000 ft, in the 1:45 hours before they lost communication (a previous expedition also lost comms for over an hour), 7/8 of the 2 hour descent time. Nothing on the spec sheet about comms either, they can only
communicate through some little known text system, ultra-short baseline acoustic system, an underwater acoustic GPS-equiv system that relies on a transceiver (with multiple receivers an inch-ultrashort- from the central sender) on the main ship or sub (inverted) and numerous transponders on the sub, surface ship, deep bottom, etc; this location system includes the ability to send (vid) texts, but balky ("problems on every one of 4 trips")- they can be confused by thermoclines. Perhaps their location/depth determination malfunctioned + they descended too fast, plowing into the deep silt, deep enough to trap them, though they only descend at 105 ft/min. But if only at 11,000 ft, getting trapped inside or under the Titanic isn't likely.
Sadly, everything seems to argue for a catastrophic hull failure, a leak anywhere would cut members to pieces at that pressure, and totally fill the ship (380/381) with 39F water. The
problem with damn carbon composite is it doesn't show damage, but develops microfractures, leading to complete failure, like the wing breaking off in Rutan planes (John Denver- wing snapped off over Ocean)- the only way to detect such flaws are full body X-ray scans- very rare + expensive. Also, constructed by the lamination of carbon fiber + epoxy layers, any modifications are impossible or very risky!
Some employees argued about the integrity of the 5" carbon titanium hull, claiming it was supposed to be 7". But this thing was built with NASA + U Wash with impressive cutting edge techniques.
At the
Experimental Aircraft Assoc Fly-In at Oshkosh WI, I once could have bought a 220 mph, aerobatic, transcontinental LONG-EZ front canard plane for $7000!! Couldn't have X-rayed it or installed a ballistic parachute though, but no one
ever has to die in a small plane (listen, FAA!!). Later watched the takeoff of the Rutan
ultralight Voyager, piloted by Dick R and Jeana Yeager, bigger wingspan than a 747 on a wispy 1020kg- the gas weighed more (2 years later they went
nonstop around the world in 9 days). The wings flapped like a bird for 5 seconds and I thought-
the first thunderstorm will rip it apart! In their record-setting flight, they barely made it: both winglets were ripped off on takeoff on the overloaded plane, they diverted 500 mi to dodge a typhoon, a fuel pump failed approaching CA, and almost fell asleep many times; their romance didn't survive 10 days in a phone booth!
Couples, don't share bathrooms!
When I started this blog I covered the
trapping (tangled in fishing nets) of the 2005 Russian rescue sub in the (maybe half) shallow (623 ft) Sea of Okhutsk off Vladivostok (BLACKBASS DOWN page down), on an excellent live blog on WikiNews that accurately predicted many events w live analysis (since removed by some PoS Serbian editor who thought I was too critical of lying Russian officials, who'd even declined the help of a US rescue sub, which sat on the dock in a crate). For 36 hours I monitored 5 TV channels and 10 websites, inc Russian news- interestingly the only network with a reporter on the ground in Petropavlovsk was
FoxNues! I was positive they had expired 2 days after oxygen ran out, when they ALL WERE RESCUED safely by a 2 Brit Scorpio
subs in a real miracle, I was almost sobbing, totally invested in the multiday effort. They had had some extra oxygen generators. I even earning a following among a real submariner Blog. So one can never give up hope. BTW, submariners don't usually die from low oxygen, they are poisoned by CO2, which reaches fatal levels at 12%- not a nice way to go, having tested it with a bathtub bucket for my scuba + caving adventures- lower levels cause wild panic.

I toured one of the only two American DSRV rescue subs
that we have on one of my many Navy Day ship tours in five cities. Our DSRV looks more like a torpedo, 24 passengers + 5000 ft depth range, but they were never used- both Thresher and Scorpion were way too deep... with no one to rescue- regular subs crush between 1000-3000 ft. With a
vacuum seal on the bottom rescue hatch. Now replaced with a crummy ROV that can only reach 2000 ft. But almost nothing can lift an 11.5 ton craft that deep- except the Navy's Flyaway Deep Ocean Salvage System (FADOSS)- basically a monster cable winch welded to the surface ship and attached to a lost sub by an ROV- it can lift 30 tons at 20,000 ft. One is waiting for an ROV and transport at St Johns, when/if the TITAN is found- BBC live updates. When James Cameron went down 33 times on the Russian piloted MIRs for his opus movie, the reckless gonzo drivers bumped Titanic surfaces again + again, causing ball-retracting terror!! The worst thing is that they didn't hear any noises!
And I happen to be just watching a good, but inaccurate, movie about the 2000
Kursk Typhoon boomer sinking (
The Command) after Russian officials forced them to test some garbage unstable H2O2 torpedo that blew the front of the sub off. The last of the behemoths was just retired, replaced by the smaller quieter
Boria. Putin couldn't be bothered to interrupt his Black Sea vacation, and he refused foreign help 6 days while decrepit Sov rescue vehicles failed to link up in a dozen attempts. Only 23 sailors survived in a rear compartment for 6-10 hours, but no one could have saved them in time after 6-8 torpedoes had exploded! 2000's
SEASON OF PLAGUES excoriates the official Russian tendency to LIE, in the
unsinkable Kursk disaster and simultaneous fire on the Ostankino
TV tower (then tallest structure in the world), which almost collapsed (+ where I covered the violent
Oct Revolt against Yeltsin).
They should ask the Company CEO Stockton Rush about all these mysterious
unpublished specs (what instrumentation do they have?), but
he's on the sub! No way to communicate except for some balky text system (
USBL ultra-short baseline acoustic system), (my speculation:) no hydro phones, no radio buoys, no radio beacon if they surface, no sonar (one explorer said
all their location and navigation info was transmitted from the surface), no heater... BUT this was an experimental craft with no certification!!
96 hours, 4 days, is a very limited amount of air, here's praying they have a CO2 scrubber! Their boat yard is in Everett, Washington (where Boeing Co + Seattle airshows are held and massive kelp forests lie offshore) and they have no real office, just some shed, according to
some reporter who banged on the door. The Twitterverse says that CEO fired the safety director, who had concerns, and had derided
Safety concerns.
Move fast, but don't break too much. The crew is amazing, Frenchman
Paul-Henri Nargeolet is a reigning expert on the Titanic,
making +37 trips, and the Billionaire
Hamish Harding is a super Explorer who has been to Space via Blue Origin, and set a
world's record circling the planet via both Poles. (CNN article) Oceangate charged $250k, initially someone (Russians?) was doing it for $20!
The Greatest Liar
in Human History* is facing his 2nd Indictment, this one
Federal, each UNPRECEDENTED in American history about Illegal
Retention of Documents, under the admittedly miserable semi-Constitutional Espionage Act – for the Top Secret nuclear docs (a Lt Colonel
just got 3 year sentence for a much lesser offense). Like in ALL his
crimes, there is no doubt Trump is guilty- he could
have just returned them with no penalty for years, but he repeatedly hid,
moved, lied about, and refused to return them. Like in ALL his
massive sprawling half century of Corruption, he thought he had a
RIGHT to do it by virtue of the Imperial Presidency, and being a
Billionaire Businessmani (a Russian oligo-criminal boss). Every
normal New Yorker has avoided him for decades, lest they get fleas
from this dishonest dog.
* 31K
before the WaPo stopped counting
To help seal his fate, Chump ADMITTED his crimes in a contentious Bret Baer
interview on Fox, undoubtedly to be played by Smith since I can't imagine
any attorney letting this diarrhea-mouth testify. First Indictment
(inditement) was of course, a NY State/City charge of payoffs to
Stormy, maybe the weakest case since people probably should be able
to pay blackmail, or at least pay for the silence of their paramours.
Mind you the scumbag scheduled 2 other assignations with porn stars
during his Weekend, as his wife was giving birth. Nothing illegal
about that, Melania made her deal with the devil, and got her ticket
to the Show.
The most serious-
Inciting an Insurrection; and the most indisputable- corruptly
trying to
Overthrow the Election +
I just want to find 11,780 votes"-
Res ipsa loquitur- the thing speaks for itself) in his
Georgia phone call... should have been brought first, unfortunately
the wide variety of State + Federal Govs preclude a wise coordination
to ensure justice. 3-4 more to come.
"How should we
deal with giving the ex-President (AKA scurrilous dirt bag)
air-time"? whine the Media when the answer was always simple:
Run a game-show buzzer at every lie while running the truth on a fast
scroll- pausing his video if necessary, undoubtedly since he lies in
every sentence!
The Justice Dept
inexplicably may have thrown the case by filing it in Florida, when
the crime... ILLEGALLY REMOVING DOCUMENTS, occurred in DC, where any
Court would find The (criminal) Donald guilty. Guess the hiding, moving, + lying; the Obstruction, occurred there, though. In Florida, bycontrast, there will be far more Trump voters, and I'm not sure how
they can be excluded, but ANY single ONE could be a Trumpore Denier
who will vote not guilty, just like they believe the
huckster couldn't have lost without "cheating". And they
will lie to get seated! Also there will be few jury Blacks in Palm
Beach, whereas DC would have 30-50%.
Most troubling is Trumpore FL Judge Aileen Canon hearing his initial pleading Tues, who had blithely decided to grant Trump a special master for "his" documents "and the very conservative 11th Circuit unanimously concluded she has no jurisdiction at all -- she was off the reservation! ... Maybe she is only handling the arraignment on Tuesday afternoon, but if she is appointed, then I do worry that the degree to which she leaned over backwards in .. ruling for Trump, in ways even a conservative court slapped her down for, suggests that her loyalty may be more towards the guy who made her a federal judge.., than to the Constitution." - Lawrence Tribe (video) Before being appointed by DT, she had never been a judge; and with 98% of federal cases plead out, has only presided over 14 days of trials!! BAD NEWS Jul 13- she has been appointed to run the case, has set the location to the remote Red zone of Ft Pierce (at the north end of her region); and Trump, as always is looking to delay to Death the trial till after the Election! Indeed, why SHOULDN'T a major multiple criminal be allowed to run for President, whereupon he can make the case disappear. The Fugitive ... in a Run for his Life! File for RECUSAL, jumping Jack, now!
Smith is a stone-cold giant-killer, unlike the pliable Mueller, who
allowed his lowlife boss to denigrate and degrade his massive Russia
Report without standing up and calling Barr a LIARR!! He found 10
likely crimes for Justice in
Trump’s Russia Collusion but never
publicly stated them, plainly. Trump will undoubtedly continue to
incite his acolytes to violence with his torrent of Big Lies, he
really should be muzzled + jailed, sadly that will only happen once he
causes a
Twiticide or 2 (otm pod), which I've expected for years. Any judge who orders him to keep mum
about anything can be assured he will scream about it that night, whereupon he should be held in contempt and jailed. So no judge dares order him to stop his non-stop 130 db jury tampering. Smith reportedly glared at Chump the whole arraignment, but the Donald couldn't return a glance.
Trump's seriously morose bearing in both arraignments and probably 2-3 more should have provoked the Judge to SEIZE his passport- I'm sure Puta has a Villa waiting for him in Crimea staffed with 19 yo goddesses- this man has his own Jet!!! MASSIVE FLIGHT RISK! But fingerprinting is a big deal- he could be convicted in 4 decades of FRAUD from his past paws on financial docs. Too bad that didn't include DNA- I bet some of his rape victims have a blue dress in the closet. And of course his order to not discuss case with co-defendent Nauta was instantly violated as the (auto) "body man" stayed glued to the Orange Man all day + night.
When you hear Repubs bleating about the
weaponization of Justice, remember-
that is what THEY DO- in Barr lying about the Mueller Report, that detailed Trump's RUSSIA COLLUSION; in the psychotic 5 year witchhunt of Clinton, impeaching him over a cookie in the back room and causing 9-11 (when he couldn't dispatch OBL after his '98 Africa Embassy bombings), in the multi-year nonsense about
Hillary's emails, in the chaff dispersed by diversionary hack Durham in his persecution of the FBI and Trump critics. TRUMP is
being prosecuted because he is the greatest political criminal America has ever had-3 times over!! And the hysterical Repubs fulminating over Hunter B are, like the Donald, scared shtless. Among Repubs, there must be 20-25% patriotic types who find his sleaze a Bridge Too Far- considering Repubs are already a structural Minority + Biden has been hitting everything out of the Park, that means
TRUMP CANT WIN! A few more SOS Election Deniers might have fixed the Election, but they
almost ALL LOST!

Speaking of
the emerging extremist has lost 2/3 of
Twitter’s ad
revenue with his embrace of RW Dregs, like the bow-tied Supremacist
twerp Tucker Carlson, whose Twitter debut gleaned tens of millions of
views. Popular Hater Demagogues just don’t fade away, they need the
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood treatment- Tucker's
Great Replacement trash has been direct inspiration for 2 mass murdering bigots, at least. Twitter’s new
so-called CEO has been, as expected, INVISIBLE.
Every SM has now
embraced killer Trump, if Insurrection and Treason weren’t enough,
throw in 400K Covid victims from his antivax blatherings and
promotion of garbage cures. If Musk isn’t careful, NASA may decide
he is just too erratic and provocative to be trusted to launch their
satellites. Space X sats work much better though.

Trump will remain
the leader of the Repub dwarves- the most ballsy is Christie, he may
redeem himself if he can chop down The Pig Donald with his pithy
critiques; I just listened to a Manchester speech, and Man, he is good. He seems ready to take the bullet for the survival of the Repub Party. By the end of Summer (corrected error), Trump may have 4-5 INDICTMENTS + CRIMINAL CHARGES, so maybe the non Fux outlets will
label him as Former (Criminal) President. No doubt Chump will come up
with 3 scathing Fat Boy nicknames for the Bridge-Closer, but I suspect he will dodge any debate- CC has his measure by now. Putz Pence
is still trying to have it both ways (as is the
despicable DeSantis), defending the injustice of seeking justice for a degenerate who ginned up a lynch mob against him!! Instead of realizing the
Trumpores will never vote for him, so he might as well swing for the
fences. The "Religious" will stick w TPD, who gave them the
ability to force a 10 yo to have their rapist's child. Pro-Life...
DeSantis claims no drama, but he is a whinier bich than even Trump- everything about him,
his bullying tendencies, his wholesale embrace of
STUPID and every culture war shibolleth, (like denigrating AGW when he acknowledged the reality when he took office), his high reedy voice, his Christian Barbie wife... is repulsive. A
real Man doesn't have to attack the weakest members- trans + gays, and
if you hate Disney, why, you hate America!!! And he is a utterly
incompetent Governor to boot!
The best thing I've ever read about the mystery of Trump's emergence and support is a parallel piece in
Foreign Policy - The Problem Child of Europe about Herr Hitler in April 1940, which always tortured me since my parents were German. "
Couldn't you have done anything", I demanded of my mother. You could plug in the name Trump and no one would notice it is 83 years old- every bit of it applies!! The, uh,
problem child would go on to butcher 60 million people. But notice the complacency is
still in the title, when AH had
total power for 7 years, and the War was underway!! TPD and his zombie army of Repub Election deniers + fixers are maybe
halfway there...
--- "WHEN a drastic revolution occurs in a society the change
in atmosphere and behavior is so overwhelming that one cannot believe
one’s eyes and ears. This is not the society with which one was
familiar, the place where one felt so much at home. The old society had a
face which one knew and trusted. Suddenly it is gone. Another face is
there—a strange, foreign face. One thinks, “This is a nightmare.” One
closes one’s eyes and pinches oneself, naively expecting that with
another look the distorted vision will have passed, and the old familiar
face will be there again. The first impression which a revolution gives
anyone not a part of it is that it will certainly pass, and almost
immediately. One says to oneself, comfortingly, “These people are not
like that! I have known them for years!”
attitude greatly contributes to the success and expansion of the
revolution. For even the classes and groups hostile to it lend it
collaboration, in the optimistic certainty that it is not really
representative...." ---
Jun 21: The devastating
Nova Kakhovka Dam + 355 MW Hydro Plant destruction in the snaking Kahovka
Reservoir on the mighty Dnieper is almost equally bad for
sides, but since it was controlled by Russians, reportedly mined by
them for months, and Russians were apparently freaking out about the upcoming
Ukr offensive... overwhelmingly likely Russian caused- US satellites
saw an explosion- charges had to be carefully laid,
Ukrs say the 98 ft high, 2 mi long
Dam was supposedly designed to
withstand nukes! Ukr apparently has played the panicking Ruskies
masterfully, like the Brits played the Argies in the Falklands War,
half winning the War before their task force even arrived! I never
crossed those 3 immense dam reservoirs, 2 in the South, that bisect
the TX-sized country, I only went East from Kyiv (to Kharkiv), and South to
Odessa + Krim and West/ SW to everywhere else. Note Russian X is
transcribed as KH but like in Kharkiv, it actually is pronounced as a
rough H (gutteral), esp in the middle of a word, like Kahovka.
This eco-disaster is
devastating for “Nova Roosiya” too- the bad flooding is on the
lower elevation Russian occupied Left (SouthEast) Bank, and it will dry up
fresh water for Crimea, which has NO SOURCES of its own!!
All 4 North Crimea canals are now dry! The one
thing Russia wants above anything is to retain Crimea, the site of
it's greatest historical battles and victories; it is majority Rus
(at least since they drove out Tatars + Ukrs). The loss of a Great
Salt Lake amount of drinking/irrigation water will also cause a
collapse of agriculture across the arid hot Southern area, that which
hasn't been swept away by the raging floods (along with precious
topsoil), and might lead to starvation in Africa. I was thinking the
deposition of river silt would replenish it.... BUT this was clear
deep Lake water, so the opposite occurred. The Gov has pledged to
rebuild it, says my brilliant Ukr Kyiv student Victor, but only with
control of both banks, and nobody shooting at them. Win fast!!
The immense 6
Nuclear Power Plant, biggest in Europe (almost in world), was already
shut-down, except for
in “hot shutdown” for steam 200C; but they still also
need water to cool all the spent fuel pools, up to 1 mil gallons an
hour (like Fukashima), there is a large cooling pond, some lake above the plant; floating
intakes- the water already has
dropped below the normal intake level (12.7M measured from the Baltic
Sea) Thursday night!! Haven’t been able to find out the
drop from Lake to old time and new River to be, but hope
to find a current satellite pic to monitor it. Reservoir level is
dropping 4-7 cm/hour (2-3”) and has already
~5M (Fri morn EST).
In every aspect, I
am tremendously proud of the
skill and smarts my Ukrs have shown in
managing this War, from their initial unlikely survival, to the
growth of Winston Zelensky, to fearless battlefield courage in the
face of daunting casualties and a vicious enemy, to a brilliant
mastery of the propaganda message. In 2014, it was SOOOOOO agonizing
watching them lose Crimea and the East without a shot before
clumsily, spastically fighting back. I did my part, trying to
Erdogon to close the Bosperus to Russian ships, and begging
Ukr Ministers in March-April to send Commandos to the East, when
driving out the Russian inspired Rebel/Insurrectionist/Drunks from
120 Admin Building would have been almost painless; and begging
to send Ukr our anti-missile HARM Wild Weasel F-16s.
dry lake bottom
But one thing I really worry about is that
expectations are so high for the ballyhooed OFFENSIVE, that Ukraine can't measure up. Despite all the high-power hardware, these are still the same parties that have been bashing each other for 8 years across the trenches of the Donbas, Russia just got another 300K draftees, is good on defense (as Ukr was initially), has gotten wiser in tactics and strategies, and simply has a 3x greater pool of everything. But Ukrainians are fighting for their homeland, whereas Russians are only fighting for the Imperial whims and fantasies of a tinpot twerp... it may just come down to who wants it more.
BTW, the dimwitted
Erdogon just won another 5 year term, although he caused 80%/year INFLATION, and keeps
lowering Interest Rates in response! All
things are possible when you jail 50,000 of your critics. 25 years in power... Maybe why the Burmese violently oppress Muslims
The Repub-Russian
clock is ticking- there are enough fans of Puta, Orban, and
mass-shooters among the extremist loony tunes of the far Right, that
Ukraine may have a year before Repub opposition reaches a critical
mass, at least in any vote requiring more than plurality or in a
sketchy Committee.
expected, Repub Blackmailers allowed the desperate Debt Deal go till
the very last day- $15 trillion of historical Repub Deficits were
covered without a peep, but when a Dem is in the WH, Repubs are
desperate to balance the Budget. They didn't get much of their extreme
demands, but did get the Most important thing-
killing the 87,000 new IRS agents to be able to investigate criminal mill/billionaires,
like Chump, who had 500 shell companies (LLCs) to hide his assets-
investigating the rich is so time consuming and difficult that the IRS
lets them go with paying 0-3% tax, when ordinary humans pay 30-35%!! #1
job of the Repub Party
is protecting the wealth of the uber-rich.
The much ballyhooed
Canadian smoke has created a thick
haze throughout the Northeast (down to NC and West to Minn),
it is evident in DC, but I don't feel or smell it, although the tiny
5 micron particles are supposed to penetrate deep into the lungs. But
to anyone who has spent 1 day in ANY 20 mil Megalopolis- Delhi,
Cairo, Sao Paolo, Beijing, Mexico City, Lagos ... this is a piece of
cake. Within 2 days in 53F Jan Cairo, I had severe bronchitis, the
air burns going down and carbon particles slap you in the face as
dirty cars zip by!! Only having 5 fresh squeezed fruit juices in
Tahrir Sq (25 cents each) first thing in the day kept me breathing.
There is a fixed LOW pressure area off of Maine that's blowing the
air SW, normally this stuff is blown into the Atlantic by Prevailing
Westerlies. My latest AGW Apocalypse article has hundreds of
continuous Arctic fires burning all Summer, even over the winter in
Siberia when the peat bogs ignite. And this is dozens, maybe 100s of
fires from Ontario to Nova Scotia (where I saw the Total Eclipse of
the Sun- see Carly Simon)- not sure if Canada has the capacity to
deal with them. Blowing away this weekend.
And the most
accessible volcano in the world, the drive-up
Kilauea on The Big
is erupting again (Volcano Nat Park), it was totally asleep
for the 3 years I was on Hawaii, the volcano then was the remote
lower Pu-u-oh-oh, 5-8 miles off the road through spectacularly
dangerous jungle covered lava fields- almost snapped my leg in the
first ¼ mi coming from Volcano Rd on the North, then went 7 miles in
from the Road to the ocean (4000 ft to sea level) at about 2500 ft,
hiking on the bare frozen pa-hoe-hoe fields was deadly; broke
through 2 razor edged glass bubbles 2-3 ft, each of which could have
slashed leg to the bone, before I gave up. The ocean flow, where
the molten lava emerged and poured in the ocean from long underground
tubes (like subway tunnels- later on Maui scuba dived those 30 ft
underwater), was far safer and more stable… I actually did tours
there with German tourists, who hadn’t created Hell on Earth for a
while so wanted to see it.
crackpot Robert F
Kennedy Jr. is going to drag
the Kennedy name into the mud by becoming a
the Presidential Race,
there is little doubt he can and would provoke a JoeB loss, if he runs as an Independent, gleaning
even 3% in a close race (remember +7 mil votes
was winning by a hair- 106k Electorally!!) and some polls have him getting
20% in the Dem Primaries!!!! Just Mariane Williamson's votes would have made Hillary President. Reportedly slovenly convicted (pardoned) Trump Conspirator Steve
Bannon encouraged the ex-Mass Rep to run,
another removed brick in his destruction of the American political
edifice. The crooked pig is a fan of Lenin, like the murderous
Commie, he wants to burn the US Political System to the Ground. Other RFKJ backers include Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Aaron Rodgers, + David Talbot. Fresh from poisoning Twitter by his sale to "savior" Elon Musk, previous Head Twit Jack Dorcey is a fan, maybe because RFKJ is a big backer of Crypto, which Dorcey is heavily invested in. Leftist Pres. candidate Dennis Kucinich is his campaign manager
Kennedy's anti-vax lunacy (exc) has resulted in dozens of measles deaths in Samoa, where nurses careless cross contamination of the MMR vaccine had caused 2 deaths. --- "In his bestselling, turgidly footnoted book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” Kennedy spun a story about a powerful vaccine cartel — led by Fauci and Bill Gates — that colluded to prolong the pandemic, hide the efficacy of alternative treatments, and sit by as millions died needlessly" ... (A) "President Kennedy would gut the agencies that currently regulate, monitor and recommend schedules for childhood vaccines — the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — and the expert advisory panels of doctors, scientists and professors they rely on." ---
Covid was a Godsend to the Crazy Conspiracist, increasing contributions 4-fold- he insanely believes the vaccines have killed more people than they saved, even after 3 bil successful vaccinations! Even a 5% fatal bug would probably take down Civilization, but imagine millions of anti-vaxxers refusing an effective vaccine to deny pops reaching the Threshhold Resistance Levels needed to stop a Pandemic. This is
very very bad- 43 years ago, his Uncle Ted helped elect Reagan in a
quixotic primary bid, and we are still paying the Bill for the
anti-Gov Jihad RR unleashed. But JFK grandson disemboweled RFKJ in a rousing endorsement of Biden!
| | RFK Jr.’s rising profile sparks Democratic jittersEditor’s note: This story has been updated to reflect that the CNN poll referenced was released on May 25. Democ... |
As it happens I recently spent 2 hours reading the whole
story of rich murdered AL blonde HS grad Natalee Holloway on a vacation jaunt in Aruba in 2005 (paradisaical Dutch Is just off Venezuela)
. Her connected fundamentalist mother was a fanatical force of nature, who
got a Lear Jet to fly down there within a day of her disappearance,
but was such an Ugly America (with her hubby) that they alienated
everyone in the tidy country, including American allies; organizing tourist boycotts when her every whim wasn't obeyed. Her pure virgin daughter couldn't have had
ANY weakness, when supposedly she was drunk every minute, desperate to
escape her mothers suffocating religious extremism. The cast of
semi-scumbag characters rotated but the prime suspect- pretty dirtbag Jon
Van der Sloot, was arrested 3 times and released when the stories kept
changing over 3 years- her body was never found. It got more media
airtime than any murder mystery EVER!
| | Disappearance of Natalee Holloway - WikipediaNatalee Ann Holloway (October 21, 1986 – disappeared May 30, 2005; declared dead January 12, 2012), was an 18-ye... |
years later on vacation in Peru, he strangled a hook-up (allegedly when
she read his laptop about Holloway!), and was convicted of murder-
sentenced to 20 years. This argues that the low life did kill her, but
it's possible it was a drug overdose, or something as prosaic as
drunkenly choking on one's vomit. An American buddy who claimed to have
helped crush and burn her remains, was himself later stabbed to death by a
woman he tried to kidnap!! Good people! The spoiled scumbag VD Sloot
tried to extort money from the family about the location of the body;
and in another testament to their political power, he just was extradited to AL to stand trial by her home town by a very very
Impartial jury.