Lady Gaga's anthem (who's never looked better) brought tears to my eyes; J-Lo was excellent too. Trump's iron grip has been broken with his SM (S+M they way he used it) banishment... without any missives to his slavish acolytes he will slowly fade, like a bad stink that has sunk into the curtains. But if JoeB wants to accomplish anything, he MUST shut down the RW Media Machine, the Mississippi of hateful lying RW sewage flooding the country daily. Reconstitute an empowered FCC, and new Fairness Doctrine with the power to assess million dollar fines, shut down RT + OAN as Russian fronts. Trump was deeply chagrined by the multiple bans, and financial hits to his crumbling empire, he can now see it all slipping away... and by the 3rd Indictment for his life of Crime... the Donald will decamp to Russia, where he can be banned as enemy propaganda.
JoeB's Cabinet is mostly female, and contains a multitude of colors, ethnicities, races... and now PBS is just showing the cleansed WH, under new management, as night falls on this Day of Liberation.
Finally, I can be proud to be an American again- I have physically hurt every day a Repub ruled the WH and Congress, and the Party of the rich has now mutated into the Party of Russia + Treason. For 4 1/2 years, I've been slammed for being too radical, but Trump has been angling to commit Twiticide in his psychotic attacks on imagined enemies... just his Stalinesque "Enemies of the
People" attacks on the Press was grounds for immediate Removal. Uncle Joe used that lunacy to justify the murders of 11-12 million (Tim Snyder). I think multiple world Intelligence agencies have proof (AUDIO TAPES) of Trumps Russia treason; they should release it to break his malignant hold over his Trumpanzees. The KGB invited him to Moscow in 1987- a dream candidate for recruitment, he loves anyone who gives him money; which Russia proceeded to do, through cutouts, oligarchs, bank "loans". His legacy will be the greatest mass murder in US history- more Americans killed in one year of Covid than in all WW2... through Denialism, criminal negligence, inaction, irresponsibility.I could kick myself for never linking up with JoeB on his 14 odd trips to Ukraine, I liked the guy since he was too young to be Senator- brash, confident, witty, funny, warm, accessible, with that 10,000W smile, he showed anything was possible in these United States and I predicted he would be the best pick for VP in 2000 rather than the turncoat Lieberman. But they never really pre-announced his visits, I would find about them after they happened; he only would appear at an Embassy Press Conference, or the magnificent Ukr State Dept Bldg (most impressive building in Ukraine), not the Ukraine Hotel Press Center, where I held Court.Trump issued a flurry of 143 Pardons and Commutations, including a dozen odd corrupt + criminal cronies and politicians, but NO FAMILY or himself. That is shocking, his Aides were fighting all Tuesday with him on it- his whelp are all guilty of Pump and Dump fraud, vastly inflating his crummy hotel project numbers until they collapsed, which didn't matter cause Trump Inc got paid off the top. His narrowly issued pardons, though, still allow the Justice Dept to prosecute the true villains, like Stone or Manafort.
WOW!! TREMENDOUS Inauguration2 Hour TV Musical Variety Inspirational Spectacular, Celebrating America- incredibly well produced... ending with an awesome firework display over the Mall at 10:14 pm, too bad there weren't 1 mil there to enjoy it. At first I thought it was canned stuff from last night, but no, all Parties were ensconced in the WH. I bet TV critic performer Donald, jealous toddler that he was, is eating his heart out that he couldn't have had such a spectacular send-off, which got 1.5 mil more viewers than his Inauguration.